Chapter 7: Insecurity

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School is finally over and done. Layne unfortunately had to leave but I've made good friends with Rita and I patched things up with Jaxon. Leon and I are dating now but nobody knows, and it actually feels like normal just with him occasionally kissing me behind closed doors.

Warmth engulfs me from behind. I groan trying to shake off Rita. She laughs and rolls off me on the bed. She yawnsand stretches out. She recently mated a girl from another pack named Kylee. They are both very cute together and I think Kylee is pregnant now. I didn't know Rita was an alpha until she told me after mentioning her girlfriend Kylee.

" I can't believe Leon is taking over the pack soon," Rita says in thought.

I set my phone down and look at her, " You and I both."

She looks at the ceiling, " Doesn't he have a cousin our age who is also in the running?"

" Not that I've been aware of."

" Yeah I think so. I'm surprised he hasn't gone through mating you yet because of it. The first to find a partner is the leader," She explains.

I hum, " I don't think he is really interested in being the leader."

" He is head over heels for you though, waiting so long for your approval," She chirps.

I rest my head in my arms, " I guess you're right. Does it feel good, mating an omega?"

She smiles, " It's amazing finally taking them as yours. "

I blush, rolling onto my back. Having Leon as my mate... A shiver runs up my spine. He's a dick, and cocky at that but when I'm with I feel safe, and almost normal. He's very protective and he can be affectionate and very sweet. I guess he's changed these past few months.

Rita checks her phone then gets up, " I've gotta go home to Kylee. See you next week?"

" Yeah, see you," I call as she walks out of the room.

Rita leaves wishing a minute, on her way to her mate. I sigh, getting up and walking to my desk. I glance at the books Dad left me about pregnancy. Only my family and a few friends know that Leon and I are together. Dad got all excited and has been dropping hints about me moving in with Leon who recently got his own home. Dad has also been dropping hints about wanting grandchildren more recently.

The thought kind of scares me. Having a child seems difficult and I never considered the fact that I would have a partner, not to mention the possibility of mating someone. Also mating the pack alphas son? His parents don't like me, not even my grandfather on my Fathers side likes me.

I sigh, pressing my hands on the desk and leaning on them. Maybe it would be best if we broke up... He could mate a person of higher standing who is far more liked and become the pack leader. My stomach turns. I don't want to let him go, but maybe it's what's best for him.

My phone vibrates. I stand back up and check it.

Sam: Hey!

Sam: We should meet up today

Me: I'm free right now

Sam: Sweet!

Sam: Lets go to this coffee shop I saw off Gordon Street

Me: Sure. Be there in twenty?

Sam: Ok!


I walk quietly down the street toward the presumed coffee shop. A big red and black sign hangs outside above the door. Devil Juice. That sounds like a hidden phrase to alcohol or cum... not coffee.

I walk inside and find Sam sitting on her phone at a booth. I sit across from her, not bothering to get any coffee. She sets her phone down then props her elbows up on the table, resting her head on her hands.

" Rita told me that you and Leon were dating," She purrs.

I rub my thighs under the table, " Did she?"

Sam narrows her eyes, " You're a selfish little idiot if you think Leon would be accepted as the alpha with you as his mate. You'd jeopardize his whole life. The whole pack looks down on you and I myself am only kind to you out of the sympathy of my heart."

" I'd rather not talk about this," I mutter than glare at her, " Plus why do you care about him?"

" Because we were engaged. Yes it was arranged but it would've been perfect, him and I. My family is known for our social standing, our influence on the others. We could ask for anything and getting rid of a pesky omega is no big deal. Do you understand what I'm getting at?" She asks.

I sit back in my seat.

Her finger traces the rim of her cup, " You see, Daddy's men are waiting outside for you. If you don't struggle they will take you home to get your stuff and drive you to another pack. You see? I'm being so kind as to let you live."

" And if I do struggle?" I ask.

" They will kill you. I don't think Leon would be to happy if you died. In fact I believe he would be absolutely devastated so it's best if you just leave, spare him of anymore heartache," She purrs, " I mean, if you manage to survive your family will die in you place and Leon, well, he will live like you, a nobody."

I bite my lip in thought, " Ok... I'll leave."

Her lips form a bloodcurdling smile, " Perfect. Just walk outside and my men will take you home to retrieve your stuff."


I sit quietly in the back of the car beside the unknown alpha. The car speed down the road to an unknown destination. Honestly I'm not exactly sure about any of this, but I'm pretty sure I made the right decision. At least Leon will be safe and happy.

My body warms at the thought of Leon and his big goofy smile. He get timid whenever he feels like he overstepped our boundaries and acts really cute. But I'm not only leaving my lover behind. I'm leaving my family and my friends, the people I love and cherish. I might never see them again. I wasn't allowed to write a note and they took away my phone. I have to start a new life with people I have never met before.

The alpha shift in the seat behind me, " So you're and omega?"

I glance at him, " Yeah..."

He smiles, " I've been told that unmated omegas can't resist the pheromones of alphas. "

A thick scent fills the car, causing me to become dizzy. I groan, it's disgusting, the smell is disgusting. My body heats up and my brain goes blank as he attacks me. His eyes glow yellow then I black out.


It's been a long day but I've finish decorating my home. My parent would be proud but most importantly, I hope Aiden likes it. It'll be his eighteenth birthday in a couple weeks. I plan on asking him to move in with me and maybe we can move on from there.

For such an aggressive person on the outside he is actually very cute on the inside. Every time we kiss he blushes and makes this cute giggle. His humor and sarcasm is on par with the packs best comedians and his looks are breath taking. I've only seen him shirtless a couple times but his torso is covered in scars, more so than my own and I'm the alpha.

My phone rings in my back pocket. I shift on my couch to get it. Mr. Vanos. Why is Aiden's dad calling me?

" Hello?" I ask into the phone.

" Have you seen Aiden? " Mr. Vanos asks in a worried tone as if he were panicking.

I frown, " No? Why?"

" All off his clothes are gone and he left his phone. The neighbors told me he left with some men in a black car," He chokes out, " This isn't like him at all and nobody has seen him. He's gone Leon!"

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