Inner circle x Reader

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The first part is a little backstory for a set up for an Az x reader. Sorry if it's long. Also it's too many words to edit so if anyone finds mistakes let me know.

Life in the spring court had been hard for (Y/N)  due to her mother passing when she was young and her father giving her to the high lords family as a maid. She spent most her time wandering around the halls of the spring court mansion admiring its architecture but also wondering what it's like out in the other courts.  Something that was a defining trait of (Y/N) was her need to explore, to see the world through a range of ways not through only thorns and roses. She loved her court but the people weren't united, they weren't being held together. The reason for this was because of Tamlin. Tamlin was once a friend of (Y/N)'s but they grew apart as his personality twisted and morphed into one she couldn't even stand to be around. The kind young man with a wild heart was gone. That was proven when Feyre came along.

When Feyre was living at the mansion it was (Y/N)'s job to look after her along with Alis. The two grew a strong friendship that helped them cope with their time at the spring court. Feyre fell then fell out of love with Tamlin taking her rightful place in the fae world. She was free and could go where her creative soul took her. (Y/N)  was so happy for her friend but knew deep down she wasn't coming back anytime soon. So since (Y/N) was an old friend of Tamlin's she couldn't leave even if she so desperately wished too.


(Y/N) walked the forest trail looking at the colourful flora at every turn, enchanted by the colours. It had been months since Feyre left for good and Tamlin was more angry than she had ever seen him. She avoided him most of the time but when she was near him, he wouldn't hesitate to throw something in her direction. So she escaped her duties from the help of Lucien, for a while to just roam the land.

That's when she felt a small hand on her shoulder. (Y/N) turned around so quickly ready to plea not to go back when she saw a face with familiar blue eyes and freckles.

"Feyre!" (Y/N) exclaimed with joy.
That joy was short lived as she remembered how upset she was at her friend for not reaching out.

"Do you have any idea how long I've waited for you to even write to me? Or were you too busy with your new court that you forgot someone who helped you adapt to the life you were stuck with? And another thing-" she was cut off by the female giving her the tightest hug (Y/N) had ever experienced. Then Feyre pulled away and you weren't in the forest anymore, instead you were in a room with five strangers who were looking at you with amused expressions each waiting for you to speak.

" So this is the fae you begged me for months to go steal from the tool in the spring court?" A fae with violet eyes and gorgeous features asked as he studied her. He wasn't average enough to be a normal high fae and his demeanour radiated power so you assumed this was the Rhysand you heard Tamlin curse about on hours end. "I think she was definitely worth the months of arguing, don't you Az?" A  male with remarkable wings and rugged features asked the friend sitting next to him, a challenge in his tone . Az, she assumed his name was, caught her attention. He was just as handsome as the other two males but he was surrounded by shadows flowing around his wings. "For once we can agree on something Cas." He said with a calm voice.

(Y/N) didn't have time to blush before a vibrant fae in red clothes with shining gold hair came leaping at her for a hug. "I'm so sorry none of these idiots thought to introduce themselves." She said with a pointed look at the three males.

"Feyre has told us so much about you. I'm Mor, you probably already know that the one eying off Feyre like a piece of meat is my cousin and the high lord Rhys. Cassian is the one with the long hair and brutish attitude and Azriel is the quiet one that deals with our loud personalities and sarcastic comments."

With Mor's introduction all of the males rolled their eyes with smiles on their faces. "And I can't forget the most important being here," Mor said gesturing at a small female frame with glowing silver eyes "(Y/N) this is our amren. She's older and more powerful than any of us so don't feed her after midnight and don't let her near your jewellery and everything will be fine. "Watch it girl" amren said glaring at Mor with intensity and also friendship. Looking at the jewels on Amrens neck (Y/N let slip "well she does have impeccable taste, that necklace is probably worth more than all of ya combined" she said with a small laugh. "I like this one" Amren decided, mischief  lacing her smile.

Feyre then walked up and wrapped a protective arm around her shoulder  "Welcome to the Court of Dreams". She said with sincerity

"I'm sorry if I'm a little lost but you mean to tell me I live here now? As in I don't have to go back to the spring court and get things thrown at me all day?" (Y/N) said in a rush.

"Yes, that's exactly what we're saying. This is your home now, I'm so sorry it took this long." Feyre said with remorse giving Rhys the dirty eye as she did.

"Oh thank fuck." (Y/N) said a smile growing on her face that she couldn't contain anymore.
She was free. The night court all started conversations with (Y/N) easily slotting in. She couldn't help but notice someone's eyes wandering to her (Eye colour) ones throughout the night. His shadows seemed to soften when he looked but they came back as soon as he saw she caught him staring.

She gave him a small smile though to make sure he knew she was okay with him looking. She would smile forever if Az kept looking in her direction. Cas snapped her out of her thoughts with a booming laugh

"You're telling me that you and (Y/N) set Tamlin's horse free because he was being a dick to you and you wanted to stop walking everywhere?"

Feyre just smiled "obviously the horse came back to us but avoided Tamlin like a sickness, it's probably living it's best life in the forest"

"Really we were doing it a favour. Plus seeing Tamlin's face go as red as Lucien's hair was definitely worth the horses freedom" (Y/N) chimed in.

"You're going to be just fine in the inner circle (Y/N). Just fine" Rhys said smiling at her with a genuine happiness.

(Y/N) couldn't wait to see what the night court had in store for her.

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