"Mm-hmm." He kissed me again. And again, and again and again and again, all over my face and neck; little sprinklings of kisses, pushing me into a fit of laughter. Soon his hands joined in, tickling me here and there, slipping under my shirt, teasing me. I pulled his hands away and opened my mouth in disgust.

"It's Christmas!" I scolded. "Christmas, and you decide to just be horny and shit, before we've even opened any presents! You should be ashamed of yourself! What would Jesus say?"

"I mean to be fair," Ray argued. "You never seemed to care much about what Jesus thought of the other things we've done together."

"Well I do right now." I stuck my tongue out and aggressively pulled the backpack zipper down, sliding Ray's gift out, making sure to keep it face down. "Alright, here it is." I handed him the paper, still face down.

I kept an intent watch on Ray's face as he flipped the paper over. His mouth opened, slowly morphing into a smile, then a grin. "Jesus Y/n, how do you do this?" He ghosted his fingers over the drawn guitar, inspecting in awe. "It's so fucking good..." he whispered.

"Do you love it?" I asked, sitting on my knees, practically about to burst from anticipation.

"Are you kidding? I love this sooo fucking much, you have no idea." 

"Well," I played with my hands. "Will you give me an idea?"

"Here." Ray set the page down with his guitar and kissed my lips harshly, wrapping his arms around my shoulders. "God, where did I find you?" He mumbled into my mouth.

Giggling, I held him tight as I kissed back softly. "I believe you picked me up in a store somewhere, right?"

"Oh....yeah," he laughed. "Well, I don't plan on returning you, so I hope you like me."

"I love you." I whispered, pulling back to look in his eyes.

"I love you more."

"That's impossible."

"Whatever you say, Princess." He pressed his forehead against mine. "Are you ready for your present now?"

I nodded and bounced a little, a grin cracking on my face. "Yes, yes, yes! Oh my gosh I'm so ready, I was born ready. The stars have aligned for this one moment an-" Ray cupped my cheek and raised an eyebrow, hushing me. I noticed he had picked his acoustic back up; it was delicately in position for him to play.

It hit me.  He wrote me a song. Nobody has ever written me a song. He wrote me a whole ass song, didn't he? Oh my goodness, he really went and wrote a so-   "Y/n?" I blinked back to attention, and Ray was still waiting for me. "God, what's gotten into you today, Doll?" He laughed.

"Sorry, I just really like Christmas." I winced, a little embarrassed by my space-cadet enthusiasm. Ray smiled and strummed the guitar a few times, figuring out where the music was. I tucked my feet under me and leaned my head into the cushions, patiently awaiting.

Hey Angelface
You've done it again
Taken my breath away
Left me aching for another day
With you
With you

I've been running round these days
My minds been caught in
Quite the haze
Clouded by my
Thoughts of you
My thoughts of you

There's an angel in my room
Her heavens filled with useless gloom
If I could pull her out
And keep her with me
She wouldn't need to doubt
My love

I'm Only Living For You (A Ray Toro x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now