Witch Trial Wolves

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A young man stands at the head of a small group, up on a tier of wood over the crowd. Behind them, in the dark gallows, a another woman, a red headed girl, hangs, limp as her body is deprived of oxygen and her heart has stopped. The young man's brown eyes look over the crowd below him, demeaning as his gaze seems to scrutinize each and every one there. His dark black hair tosseled in the wind as his hands are folded behind his elegantly dressed body.

Next to him an older man, watched the younger man, studying, almost as if he was watching for the younger man to mess up, his dark brown eyes glanced away from the man, towards the crowd, silent as they await to be addressed by their beloved leader.

The young man finally speaker, his voice loud and low and would echo off walls if they had been indoor the great hall. "People of Lynn, we have hung another witch, and we should celebrate the safety of our families. Tonight, we drink to our safety, and tomorrow we rest, for that was the last witch to have reached our ears in recent times. Eat till your bellies ache, and drink till you can drink no more!" He called out, his face emotionless as the crowd cheered. When he finished, the people scattered, leaving the two men on the platform.

The younger man sighed once the town villages were gone and turned to the old man, who co ruined to look at him with a scowl. "James, you must understand that we can't keep killing real witches. The council will hear word  and it will endanger the pack."

James, the young man, snarled at the older man, his green eyes narrowing. "Micheal, you think I don't know that? Why do you think I just bought us a few weeks? My mind is heavy with the deeds, but if it keeps the humans of our backs, and protect the pack, then I will do it, and you know that. As Alpha, that is my job, and as Elder, you should know that."

Micheal, the old man sighed, lifting his left hand to run through his short brown hair, his dark eyes softened as he looked away from his leader. "Of course Sir. I only wish to serve as is my job now."

James seemed pleased now as he nodded. "Good. Now, we must return, before the town worries and our wolves complain of our absence."

With that, both men take the stairs off the platform and head towards the great hall, where many of the villagers have begun to celebrate the news.

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