Rebellious Phases pt 2

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~*Jude’s POV*~

I watch Jessica leave the park before packing up my own stuff.

I put the backpack on and start the 20 minute walk home. Jessica is on my mind the entire time.

Jess is definitely a Friend Zone person. She acts like we could never be anything more than just friends. But something tells me that there should be more between us. But it’s just not there.

Jess doesn’t like me like I like her. So maybe we are just meant to be friends. Dad always tells me that he lets we do what I want because it’s my life. Well I want to go further with Jessica. But she won’t let me. She won’t accept anyone as anything more than a friend. The words boyfriend and girlfriend scare her for some reason.

I huff and shake my head. The monster in my head pushes me to go back and find Jessica but I ignore it and keep walking. I’ll have to cut again soon to keep him away.

I should’ve cut when I was with Jessica. Then he will stay away longer. But Jess says her’s never leaves her alone. Her monster is only weaker when she cuts. It makes me worry about her.

Our monsters are different somehow. I guess it’s because we are different. My mother disappeared in the night when I was 5. My dad was crushed for years but he finally got the push to start his life again. He raised me and let me do what I want as long as I follow simple rules. No girls in the house and never mess with mom’s stuff in the attic.

I’m going to break the second rule tomorrow night after he goes to bed. Mom left some thing for me and I will find it because in two weeks, I will be leaving and I’m taking everything I own with me.

I shiver as a light breeze picks up. It’s near the end of summer and the nights are getting cool. School starts soon for the kids still in it. I dropped out when I failed my senior year for the second time. Jessica graduated but only by cheating on the finals.

As I enter the back yard, I notice dad left the porch light on for me again. I roll my eyes and unlock the door with my key and go up to my room. When I get there, I set the backpack down. I look in the mirror for a second before I turn my back to my face.

Jessica has told me that she loves my natural dirty blonde hair. But I dyed it black last month after some little kid called me a fag. My hair is a little long but again that is because Jessica likes it. I would cut it if she didn’t like it.

Jessica doesn’t realize it but everything I do is for her. My hair and even the piercing in my bottom lip. The dam thing is swollen for some reason but is never infected. She says it’s the same way with her tongue.

I take the bronze ball out of my lip and massage my lip before putting it back in. It’s probably swollen because it is trying to heal itself but the metal won’t let it heal.

I sigh and change as I crawl into my bed. Within a few minutes I’m sleeping.

The next morning, after I get dressed, I head down stairs to find dad making pancakes. “Feels like a good day today Jude. I might be working late tonight though. Big settlement is supposed to come in this week. But it’s going to mean a great pay check come the end of the month.”

I nodd and sit at the table and yawn. “Yeah. Well I still want to know if I can get that grand from you that you promised me a few years back.”

Dad rolls his eyes. “I told you that I would help pay from you to live on your own till you can get your own place. I never said I would give you that much money to go blow on whatever you do now days.”

I shrug. “Details. Anyways I was just checking. I’m not that worried about it. Thanks for the light last night.”

Dad shakes his head. “I knew you would go out and see her. You talk about Jessica all the time. My question is when am I going to meet her?”

I roll my eyes. “When you get rid of the first main rule. And she’s not the family type. Were only friends. I tell you this every time. Jessica only wants me as a friend and nothing else. Why do you care anyways?”

Dad shrugs. “Maybe I like knowing that my son is growing up to be respectful.”

I shake my head and stand up. “Call me when breakfast is done.”

Dad nodds as I leave the room. I head up to my room and lock the door behind me. The monster in my head growls at me again.

Getting fed up with him, I pull the knife and rag from behind the dresser drawer. I run the sharp blade over my skin slowly as the blood starts to run. I wipe the knife on the rag before holding it against my arm till I can feel the cut heal itself. I then tuck the knife and rag back into its hiding place.

I lay on the bed till dad calls me to breakfast.

After breakfast I start to head back up stairs but dad stops me. “Jude. I need to talk to you.”

I roll my eyes and turn around to face dad. “What is it?”

My dad takes a deep breath. “You haven’t told me what you plan on doing when you turn 18. I know you have your car but do you plan on doing anything?”

I shrug. “I don’t know. I’ve never really thought about it. Besides worry about getting a place to live, I guess I’ll just wing it for a while.”

Dad nodds. “Why not just stay here? I’m in my late 50s and you know I have the savings account and everything. When I retire I might leave and see the world or something and I can leave the house to you. Why move out?”

I reach an arm back and rub my neck as I try to explain carefully. “I want to be able to experience what’s out there. I’d appreciate the place to stay if I need it but I want to move out and figure things out myself.”

My dad nodds and turns away. “That’s fine.”

I sigh and go back up to my room. When I get up there I sit on the bed and turn my game system and TV on.

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