The Game pt 2

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A depressed cutter, a rich eater, a selfish hoarder, and an angry addict

Jessica watched the pair leave, the wolf following the strange man. Once they were gone she looked at the others with a frown, as they each began to fill their plate. Jessica didn’t touch the food in front of her though. “So you’re all going to just eat and not talk about this? I don’t know anything about any of you, but I don’t want to be here but if playing this Game gets us out, I say we rush through this as quickly as possible.”

Noah stopped and looked at her with a scowl. “Look Jessica, none of us want to be here. You’re late to the party, but we all already figured out that we can’t leave. The guy feeds us every day at regular basis. I say enjoy every meal because with this lunatic, it could be our last.” He then began to eat the food on his plate, his cold yellow eyes ignoring the other’s stares.

Jacob grumbled and took a bite and swallowed before looking at her. “If you’re so ready to get out of here, let’s start with you. Tell us who you are, and we can go from there.”

Jessica frowned, looking down at her empty plate. She didn’t want to give her secret away already. She hadn’t even coped with it herself…. The cause of her problems began with her parents, there was no way she was fixing to tell them her story. “None of your business.” She suddenly snapped, her sadness turning into rage as she stood from the table.

Mary Ann reached up and grabbed Jessica’s hand before she could leave the hall though. “Hun. If you want to move on in the game we need to be honest with each other….. I’ll start.” She took a deep breath and placed her fork on the table. “I’m the rich eater.” She finally said with a swallow before picking up her fork again, not wanting to explain this fact.

Noah scoffed at that though. “Yeah the skinniest person here is the one who eats? What do you do, puke it all up?” His words hurt Mary Ann as she lowered her head in shame, starting to eat just for the simple fact of the taste.

Jessica saw the hurt in Mary’s eyes and snapped her head up at Noah. “Don’t be rude to her, what are you, the cutter? Want to start throwing around names and stereotypes, then let’s go ashole!”

Noah snarled, standing up from the table. “For your information I would be the selfish hoarder, you bitch. That would leave you and tubby over here to be the cutter and drug addicts.” He then threw his fork down and left the dining hall in a fit of rage.

Jacob ignored Noah’s words calling him fat as he frowned, knowing that his own secret was out as he chewed on a piece of bread roll in silence.

Jessica swallowed, surprised that the emo looking kid wouldn’t be the cutter…. Leaving Jacob to be the victim of self-harm. Soaking in the information she stood. “There, Task one is solved. Now I’m going to find that asshole and tell him so that he can get this Game done and over with.”

Mary Ann looked at her and sighed. “He leaves in the evenings, you’ll have to tell him tomorrow. He was explaining a few of his routines when you joined us so that when we started we didn’t bother him at the wrong times. You’ll have to talk to him in the morning Jessica.”

Learning this, the young woman sighed and nodded, taking her seat again and making her plate of food so she could eat before she returned to her new bed chambers.

The table was silent now, leaving the awkwardness to drag out till finally Mary Ann finished and stood. She glanced over at Jacob and smiled softly, she then nodded towards Jessica before leaving the dining hall.

Jessica sighed softly, looking up at Jacob. “I’m sorry that I had to do that…. I won’t judge you for being a cutter, as long as I’m not judged for my addictions. We all have our problems, and all I want to do is go home.” She said softly, looking back down at her food.

Jacob shook his head as he finished. “Don’t we all? The rest of us have been here for three days, you were the last to be brought in, and you had to heal as well. It’s the same thing every day. None of us talk to each other, but it’s obvious that there’s no escape.” He shrugged and left, leaving Jessica all alone.

Once she finished her dinner, she left the hall as well, going up towards where her room as supposed to be. But on the way she passed an open door way where Noah sat with a pile of books next to him in a library he was paging through them and seemed to be organizing them as he sat. His yellow eyes intensely reading. Jessica softly knocked on the door and folded her hands together as she looked at him. “I’m sorry for that scene at dinner…” She seemed to whisper softly.

Noah stopped and looked up at the girl, his yellow eyes seemed to piece into her as he scowled. “Look, were all here for a reason, and whatever it is, we will get through it. But forcing us out of our shells is only going to make enemies. And you don’t want that in a place like this. Watch yourself, druggie.” He then ignored her presence as he looked back at the books he was working with.

Jessica scoffed but turned and stormed off to her room, angry that he would treat her like that when she was trying to apologize.

Story IdeasOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora