Two Sided Wolf pt 3

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I wake up in the morning to find those blue eyes looking at me. “Are you healed up enough to go to school today?”

I get up and go to the mirror. Most of the bruises are gone and a scar has replaced the cut from yesterday. The rest of the bruises can be covered up with makeup.

I turn to look at the owner of the blue eyes. A woman in her mid-30s looks at me with those eyes. Her dark brown hair is tied up into a messy bun in the back of her head. She is dressed in clothing that covers her arms and legs. This is because her bruises and scars are harder to hide.

“I should be fine. I don’t have much choice in the matter. John will only beat me more if I don’t go.”

My mother shakes her head and puts a hand on my jaw. Her thumb strokes my cheek as she frowns. “You know that if I had a choice I would’ve left a long time ago. It was my mistake that I had made that forced us into this. And now there is no way out.”

I sigh and turn away from her. “I know. I only pray that there is a way out once I hit my age.”

My mother suddenly bows her head. “I forgot. John has been discussing with some very young men around your age recently.”

I step away quickly. “I won’t allow it! I will not settle for it! I will fight tooth and nail if he thinks that I will marry some stranger.”

My mom sighs. “There is nothing we can do. I just pray that whoever you get stuck with will treat you better.”

I shake my head as I feel tears start to fill my eyes. “I hate this. Why do we have to live in a world like this?”

My mother sits down on my bed. “We both know it is a part of our past that has shaped our government Demeter. You’ve been there through the history lessons.”

I turn away from my mom. “Hera, Mom, I only wish that there was some loop hole or some way out.”

Hera puts a hand on my shoulder. “There isn’t. I have looked for years. Ever since the day I found out I was pregnant, I have searched. But unless you are freed by your father there is no way.”

I shake my head. “We both know that my father is long gone. John is my only chance of freedom but he has already begun choosing my husband.”

My mom sighs. “I’ve told you a million times that your father has to be out there. I still don’t even understand how I got pregnant in the first place unless I was drugged.”

I roll my eyes. “Yeah you always tell me that you were a virgin as far as you knew until you were forced to marry John. Luckily, you weren’t that far along with me and hid it from your parents and let John claim me after being threatened and beaten when he learned I wasn’t his.”

Hera walked in front of me and frowned. “I love you Demeter. And if there was a way for me to free you myself, I would.”

I shake my head. “Just let me get ready for school. I don’t need to be late again.”

My mother looks hurt as she leaves my room. I just frown and get dressed for the day and make sure to put a good coat of makeup on every visible bruise. I grab my backpack and head out of the house.

Well house would be an understatement. John has us living in a castle. It is small compared to most others but it’s defiantly isn’t a house.

I walk down the driveway and wait for the bus to pick me up.

When I get on it, I take the very back seat. I take out my phone and look at the date. It’s September 11th 4013. Today is the day that we will spend the entire day on the history of how our world fell and our current civilization has come to be.

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