Rebellious Phases pt 6

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~*Jude’s POV*~

Dad will be home any minute now.

I pace the living room and notice Jessica coming down stairs. She plops on the couch and sighs. “I hope I can stay.”

I nodd. “I agree. I don’t want to be alone during my birthday. Plus you still need a place to stay unless he says yes.”

Jessica shrugs.

I lift my head as I hear a car engine in the drive way. I motion for Jessica to sit up.

She rolls her eyes but sits up and tries to look respectable.

I have my dad as he enters the house and comes into the living room. He smiles at me then frowns at Jessica. “How did I know that it was going to be a female?”

Jessica stands up. “I apologize for the in convince.”

My dad shakes his head and looks at me. “You are not the problem. I just hope that my son will grow up for once.”

Jessica laughs suddenly at this. “You hope for him to grow up? He is much more grown up then even I am.”

My jaw drops and my dad shakes his head. “Can I ask your name young lady?”

Jessica shrugs. “Jessica Ryan. I have been friends with Jude for many years.”

My dad’s face lights up. “Jessica? I have heard much about you. I have been telling my son to just ask you out already and he never does.”

Jessica smiles and laughs. “Jude wouldn’t ever ask because we are strictly friends. And what all have you heard about me?”

I cover my face as my dad keeps talking. “I’ve heard about you being friends for a few years and about how you lived with a foster family and that your both very similar. I can also tell he likes you a lot from how he talks about you.”

I feel my face turn red and I try to look away. Jessica laughs. “Jude’s only my friend and I hope for it to stay that way.”

My dad nodds. “Well as long as you stay in the guest bedroom, you are welcome to stay until you can get a place to live.”

I watch in surprise as my dad leaves and goes to his room. I turn and look at Jessica to see her smiling. “I can be humble if I need to be.”

I shake my head. “Its evil is what it is.”

Jessica shakes her head and chuckles. “If you say so.”

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