10| You are beautiful

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" You got the moondust; I got the sky. We got the stars."

Italics- Flashback!

The next day was the usual routine for Avni. She was up early and couldn't sleep anymore. So, she decided to go to college soon.

After doing her morning chores, she headed to the college with new hope. After that interaction with DD, she felt reassured to a certain extent. However, she's a strong girl, and she can look after herself. But, as they say, sometimes, strong girls need reassurance too. And she would be eternally grateful for DD, for what he did.

Entering the college, she saw there were minimal people scattered all through. Just like her, they all came early to find some peace, she thought and left to her locker.

Going through her timetable, she took her books accordingly and dropped a letter inside Neil's locker, which was now a daily occurrence to both neil and her.

She leaned onto her locker to get herself checked. Daydreaming of her Lil fireball was not done. God! She needs to get herself checked.

While she was torturing herself dumping all the stuff and fighting against her brain and heart, she heard a small whisper that made her snap.

It was very low. It said, ' Help! ' 

Her heart clenched at the voice that had nothing but a lacing sadness seeping all over the hall she stood in.

The voice, it seemed like they have no hope to live. The voice that is asking her to save. And she would that, at any cost.

Searching all the corridor, she saw an unfamiliar silhouette yelling incoherent words at the poor girl in front of her, who looked terrified.

Terrified seemed an understatement. She was practically shivering.

That's when Avni noticed some familiar faces behind the unfamiliar silhouette. Typical Bimbos, Avni thought.

The head bimbo was not accepting the defeat and grabbed the poor girl and screamed. " You are ugly! You think you would survive here? " she snickered " This school is for people like us. Not you, you ugly outcast " the head bimbo spat on the poor girl.

Visualizing this Avni was rooted in her spot. She started reminiscing a very familiar scenario.

" Please, don't. Please no. I would do anything. I am sorry. I will not repeat. " an 11-year-old wept.

" You think you will get away with this, you little brat? " a loud booming chuckle was heard making the little girl cry hard. " Then you are wrong," the lady left the same laugh and got closer to the Lil girl.

" Please, I will not repeat. I promise. Please don't do this to me. I am sorry."

" Oh, poor girl. What was your name? Ohh, ah! It's Avni right. Let me show you what you deserve, " the lady ushered and dragged her.

" No! " Avni screamed, making the lady cringe.

The lady turned back to Avni and gave a tight slap and threatened " Don't you dare yell now. We wouldn't want anyone to know this now, do we? " she smirked evilly looking at Avni's distressed face.

In a flash, Avni was inside the water. She didn't know what had happened. But, right now, she was struggling hard to breathe, trying to get out of the hold that made her drown in the water. Avni never gave up. Avni was a fighter. She fought and fought and fought.

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