9| I Got You

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" At the end of the day, all you really need is someone who loves you and always has your back."

Next day was usual to avni. She had been faking the facade as him. But, the only difference was she smiled and showers happiness over every single person. But, often forgets herself.

That day was miserable for her. She has no idea what was wrong, but, every scenario was flashing in front of her crystal clear.

She missed her mom so much. Thinking about the motherly figure in her life made her heart clench. She laughed at her fate, pathetically.

She only had a single question in her mind.

Why do people leave her? Is she that bad?

Don't she deserve to be as happy as everyone? What did she do to deserve this?

Why is god always testing her?

She missed her papa. Who was her backbone? Who supported her in many approaches, one could ever imagine. He was proud to be the father of a girl child. He loved her a little too much, and she did too.

That's why her heart broke when they left.

She missed her brother. Who was overly protective and always wanted to scare off the boy who came her way. They were more like best friends than siblings. Avni missed him when he left. But, her heart broke when he never came back.

And, the list goes on.

Many people left her. She never knows if it's her fault or them, or just a fateful situation.

But, she knew, somehow at some point of time she blamed herself for everything.

She had her days too. But, it didn't happen twice in a week.

Maybe just the side effect of holding up too long, she thought.

Standing in front of the window in an empty class, she observed her reflection, where she was trying hard to hold back her tears.

No Avni. You are a brave girl. You are strong, right? In that case, you can't let go like this.

But, I am tired of everything. I am tired to fight. I am tired to care. I am scared. I am afraid that I might lose myself. - her sub-conscious replied.

No Avni. You are your mother's daughter, remember? You are a woman now, avni. And women are usually strong. Don't you dare back out now? Love, you are stronger than you think. Believe in yourself.

It's not that I can't be independent. But, it feels good to have someone who has your back, no matter what. Don't you think? Whenever I try to do genuine stuff, why I am the one that gets hurt in the end, every single time? Her subconscious huffed. 

Tears were eager to spill.

Love, I don't have an answer to that. You are a gem; you know that. Who looks of other's happiness before your own. Everyone is lucky to be your friend. Trust me; better days are coming. 

Hmm. Finally, her heart- which filled with positivity won over her sub-conscious.

But, the flashing didn't stop. It was breaking her apart. Swiftly, she kneeled, closed her face with her hands, and started sobbing softly.

Now, she can't afford anyone to see her cry, can she?

Not that she is ashamed to cry. She is strong as she believes and she will not cry near-strangers nor anyone on such matter. She doesn't. Matter closed, that's it.

But, she left out a shriek when she felt a large hand wrapping her waist from the back.

She nudged him with her elbow so that he would go through the floor and then was about attack him when she heard him speak.

" Avni, it's me. DD " the person groaned.

" What? What are you doing here? " avni screamed, wiping her tears.

Sighing, he grabbed her and held her in a hug which she started to squirm.

" Um, DD? What are you doing? " she managed to ask hoarsely.

" It's okay to cry avni. It is okay. You can cry all you want. I am here for you, and I promise I won't judge. " DD said softly.

That's all she needs to hear.

That moment she cried for her dead parents, brother, people who left her, betrayed her, all over again.

DD was trying hard not to spill his own tears. The girl, who practically laughs and make everyone laugh in the college is now looking this helpless like a scared child.

That's when he knew; there's more than what she seems to explicate.

After some time, avni had calmed down and looked at DD.

" Th-Thank you, " she managed to utter.

DD just shook his head " Here, have some water cutie " he added his newfound nickname for her to change the mood.

Avni chuckled and drank half of the bottle in one run, leaving DD perplexed.

" What? " avni chuckled " I was thirsty, " she explained.

" All right! " DD, winked.

" So about earlier? " DD asked uncertainly.

" Don't worry. I am fine. Thanks by the way. I needed it, " avni gave a massive hug to DD.

" Don't worry. You are like my baby sister. I lost mine years ago. And I see her in you. She was always so cheery, just like you " DD says, as his first tear rolls on Avni's forehead.

Pulling away, " You are like my brother too, who abandoned me, long back. Besides, you are not alone. I am here now. "

" What? Who dares to abandon such a cutie? " DD, teased.

" Oh, shut up. Now, stop this melodrama. " avni said, smacking his arm, she wiped his tears with her thumb.

" On a serious note. Will you tell me if I ask you why? " DD questions seriously.

" I don't really know. I guess I am destined to be alone " avni sighs.

A loud growl emerged from him, and he cupped Avni's face and said, " No. You have me. You have Ali and most importantly your Lil... I mean Neil " DD corrected himself.

" Thanks. I needed it. Really. " avni says gratefully.

" Anytime, cutie. " DD said and pecked her temple " Remember, I will always have your back, no matter what. Kay? " he winked and was about to leave.

" You know, you be the best? " avni said. Fresh tears were glistering in her eyes.

DD huffed, cupped her cheek " You don't even need to ask, I got you " DD winked and left to the next class

Avni was glad she had found someone that has her back. Precisely, a brother she always craved for.

Never knew, this day would get any better. 

If you are ever feeling down, talk to me.

Ping me. Yeah, I am always available.

It feels like shit when you have a lot to say and no one's there to listen. 

Don't be afraid to crumble now and then. It just makes you a human. Don't succumb your emotions. You just need a hand and a person to listen to you, to understand you, to hold you, to comfort you for a moment.

And then, BOOM! Everything will be all right.

Love, Seneca

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