Chapter 3: Cherry blossoms

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Days and weeks have passed by, classes and practices got harder every day. Ten had gotten to know his class more, talked a few words at least with everyone but it seemed like cliques were formed. The Chinese students didn't want to socialize with the others, they seemed fine in their own group.
Ten got along with Bambam pretty well, even though he was one year above him. There were a few times when Bambam invited one of his friends to their dorm room and Ten didn't mind it, if it really bothered him he just went to Johnny's or Jungwoo's dorm to hang out or to the library to study.
A few students asked others if they could tutor them in subjects, mostly language subjects. Ten got help in Korean a lot of times from Jungwoo and Doyoung and in return, he helped them in English.

A few of the boys joined the soccer team of the school, including Jungwoo and Yuta. Some of them took instrumental classes, many people played the piano and the guitar but, for example, Doyoung was playing the bass and Mark tried to play the flute.
For the weekends, many of the Korean students who were living in dorms went home to see their families whilst the foreigners stayed and had a good rest. They mostly hung out or tried to study and practice if they were behind or needed improvement. The group of boys mostly hung out in Johnny's dorm room and his roommates didn't mind it.

It was the beginning of May, the weather was getting warmer and warmer and flowers have finished blooming. Along the Han river, cherry blossoms were seen beautifully blooming. Their petals fell into the river which made it even prettier. The wind was blowing lightly, taking a few flower petals from the trees. This was what Ten saw from Johnny's dorm window as he was sitting on his chair. It was a Saturday and the boys were hanging out at Johnny's room, trying to suggest things to each other because all of them had nothing to do and were bored.

"Is there anything in this town that barely requires money?" asked Yuta.

"Is that seriously a question?" Johnny turned his head towards Yuta as he was lying on his bed. "It's even hard to find a cheap place."

"Does anyone know a good place here? Maybe like, outside of the dormitory area?" asked Mark. Yuta and Johnny shook their heads in response but Ten was still staring out of the window.

"Wait, I know!" said Johnny out of the blue as he sat up in a blink of an eye. "I know someone who knows Seoul pretty well."

Johnny took out his phone and tried to find that certain person in his contacts. He pushed his thumb on it and then put the phone next to his ear. It was ringing for a few seconds then it seemed like the person picked it up.

"Hello?" said the voice on the other line.

"Hi, it's Johnny. Are you busy right now?" asked Johnny.

"Not really. I was just playing some games." answered the other boy back.

"Cool, would you like to go somewhere to eat with us. We are pretty bored and thought we'd go somewhere but we barely know Seoul and I know you know this place like your hand," suggested Johnny.

"Yeah, would be fun." a reply was heard. "Well, you're exaggerating that a bit, I don't know Seoul that well, but I know a few good places."

"Cool, cool," said Johnny. "Then what about meeting in front of the school in 20 minutes?"

"Let it be 30 minutes, I need to get some clean clothes on." suggested the other.

"Okay then, see ya there." said goodbye Johnny as they hung up. "Well then boys, we just got our tour guide."

"Who to be exact?" asked Yuta.

"Taeyong hyung."

Ten's eyes were wide open. He knew Taeyong as the scary guy in their class, he was a leader type and he knew everyone in their class. Ten didn't talk with him yet, the only conversation they had was about getting to know the other a bit.

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