Chapter 2: New ways

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"Good morning class." said the teacher as she entered the classroom. The freshman students, with the manners they have learned, stood up and greeted the teacher in sync.

"My name is Ms. Choi and in this class I expect everyone to behave and pay attention during lessons. Being foreign isn't accepted as an excuse for failing," said Ms. Choi, the science teacher, as she finished writing on the board.

Despite the fact that Ten's Korean was spectacular, his writing nor reading wasn't the best. Luckily, he wasn't alone with that since his deskmate, Johnny was also struggling with that. The teacher was mumbling the words and for many foreign students, it was an ancient language they never heard of.
By the end of the lesson, Ten's notebook was a complete mess. Maybe he had taken the Korean language exam, but for him, this was another level. His notebook was filled with crossed-out words, words that weren't written correctly and a few paper rips here and there.
His next class was the chosen main subject which was Dance and he saw that none of his friends were there and even though it made him anxious he was glad that he could dance and learn how to dance like a professional.
They all changed into their practice clothes and were ready to start the lesson.

"My name is Mrs. Lee and I shall welcome all of you. I would like everyone to enjoy every minute of this lesson, but you have to work really hard and suffer to see satisfying results." said the female teacher as she was examining her new students by walking opposite them. "I shall not continue talking, let's start our double lesson by stretching on the parallel bars."

After some stretching and warming up, the teacher told them that they'd be learning contemporary dance at first, saying it was somewhat of basic knowledge. Ten was confident in that type but he wasn't alone in that. It was rumored that one of the Chinese students was amazing at Chinese Traditional dancing and it showed. He was asked to show the first steps they had learned and his balance along with his moves was perfect.

"Thank you Sicheng. I would like all of you to dance with this much elegantly and balance. Now back to our choreography." said Mrs. Lee.

Ten was struggling a bit with the pace of learning the dance but wasn't pressured. His body moved to the rhythm of the music perfectly as if he was telling a story he was feeling the music. It was a Beethoven symphony but in reality, it seemed like he made the song, that's how good he was.
They had a 10-minute break after their first advanced dance lesson. Ten went to the restroom to fill his water bottle. As he was standing at the sink waiting for his bottle to be filled, one of the dance guys came out from one of the stalls. He didn't look Korean nor Chinese.

"Your dancing is amazing." said the tall boy.

"Oh thanks, it just came naturally," answered Ten as he closed the tap and looked at the boy. "You don't look Korean but you can speak the language well."

"Same to you." smiled the guy. "I'm Yuta, one of the rare Japanese students."

"Well, I'm Ten, one of the two Thai students," said Ten as he chuckled.

"Thank God we, Japanese students, aren't the only extinct nationalities," said Yuta as he washed his hands.

The next dance class was a bit more difficult as the teacher showed them the other half of the dance. She didn't want to show much mercy towards, she didn't seem like an easy and chill teacher but was still likable somehow. Ten was struggling at this point, all of his energy was drained on the first class and he could barely focus. The teacher said they would get a grade at every end of the second dance class that would be added up by the end of the week and would form a big main grade that would be registered in the school system. This gave a big pressure on everyone's back but also a motivation for improvement. All of the boys were trying their hardest but the teacher pointed out even the tiniest flaws which brought down their moods.
As the lesson ended by the ring of the bell everyone just dropped down to the wooden dance floor as if their souls just left their bodies. The teacher was strict with the grades as everyone got either a C or maybe a B.
Ten, Sicheng, Byeongkwan and Moonbin were the only ones who got Bs.

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