Worn Out Shoes

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Twelve Princesses, each more beautiful than the last, sleep in twelve beds in the same room, inside of a kingdom which banned dance or music of any kind.

You have heard this story, many times before.

Every night, their doors were securely locked by their father, who by the laws of his land was banned to enter. However, in the morning their shoes were found to be worn through, as if they had been dancing all night. The king, perplexed, asks his daughters to explain, but they refused.

Time and time again did the father ask, and time and time again did their shoes become worn.

The king then promised his kingdom and one daughter to anyone who could discover the Princesses midnight secret within three days and three nights, but those who fail within the set time limit will be sentenced to death.

Several men tried time and time again, and fail. Finally the more intelligent ones decided to stay inside of the chamber, to watch where the Princesses went. However the king declared that no man could ever enter the chambers of his daughters.

However this is where our story begins.

A girl without a dress to wear strolled to the castle and requested to sleep in the girls chambers for the three nights. The king judged her to sleep on the floor close to the bed of the youngest for but one, and the last night. So the girl agreed and waited outside the doors for the first two nights, and slept.

Unlike the rest of the men who had come to claim the throne, by the second night she was well rested and attentive to the scuffling coming from inside.

The girls protested their father, for they did not wish for a strange girl to stay in their quarters, however the youngest child spoke, and wished for her sisters to let the girl inside for the night.

The morning after, the king was delighted to find that the shoes were unscuffed nor blemished, and allowed the girl to keep staying in his daughters rooms.

However, during the day the girl was not to even enter the castle at all.

So while the girl stayed outside in the home of her elderly mother, she spent ages crafting from leather, fourteen pairs of shoes.

So in the dreamy nights, of which the sisters and her were stuck together, the king would not find for the sisters shoes to be worn, for they kept their new shoes inside of the land of music.

"The leather is not pretty!" said the oldest.

"Nor does it shine!" said the middle.

However the youngest spoke again of how it would last for years, and was comfortable on the inside.

The eleven eldest refused to wear such shoes, but could not wear their old ones which had been locked in a box on the highest shelf.

"We have danced many times before, we might as well sleep now instead!" The middle child cried.

All agreed except for the youngest.

Every night while the elder children slept, the girl and the youngest would dance in the world of music.

In that time they became best friends, despite not being allowed to see each other during the day.

Until the day when the oldest child spoke to their father, confessing the crimes that they had done.

"NO CHILD OF MINE SHOULD DANCE ALL NIGHT" He proclaimed and banished the girl who had been living with his children for so long.

However, what the king nor sisters knew was that the twelfth sister had fallen in love, with the girl who had danced side by side with her for many moons.

"I shall not let this girl be banished!" She spoke with authority.

Her sisters and father scoffed and laughed

"You do not have the right to demand trust from us once again!"

So the twelfth sister was locked in her room for all eternity.

However after many years had passed a love had not diminished nor failed, and so a wandering traveler walked solemnly to the city.

"I am a Prince from a far away land, and I wish to be wed to your daughter!"

After many years the king had become old. With his oldest and middle children wed he still had his youngest left inside her room, being fed nought but bread and cheese.

"What makes you think you could gain my daughter's hand in marriage? Do you have a treasury of jewels to trade for her?"

"I have nothing but my love to give away."

The king scoffed and proclaimed a challenge.

"If you win a fight between my strongest man, only then may you have my daughters hand."

The Prince but nodded and prepared for the battle. When the time came he was able to overcome the warrior in speed and wit, and thus fourth won the battle.

"So now may I be wed to your daughter?"

"You have beaten the challenge which I gave to you, and showed a great deal of bravery. You may wed my daughter tomorrow, then take her to your lands."

The next day a hastily wedding was made, and so the daughter mat the Prince and realised what could only be known as love. As she finished walking down the aisle her soon to be partner lifted her veil.

So the twelfth Princess had found her one true love again.

For years after the wedding the two traveled together on horseback. After many years of training the two wives did not want to be separated again. For each had missed each other for so long.

After centuries of storytelling the tale was muddled. Wives became man and bride, sisters became loving, kings became kind.

However, the two had spent their lives together, died together, cried together. So they became a symbol to all who were trapped in spider woven stories.

No matter what others say, it is still your story to choose how it ends. No matter how you begun; the past can not be changed, but the future however...
Well, you shall see.

For the past is nothing, but a pair of old Worn Out Shoes.

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