Chapter One

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With my heart beating erratically in my chest, I grab a pencil and this years' book, opening to the next blank page. My hand scratches words onto the paper, trying to get it out. The emotions need to kiss the page before they make my mouth form words I cannot take back.

"Life is frustrating. You are born into a world where you are taught to believe everything is perfect, that there's nothing wrong. Then as you grow, you learn about the darkness in all the cracks they tried so desperately to hide from you.

Then BAM! One day you learn about the darkness in a person and they try to curse you! A flipping curse! By someone who is supposed to protect you."

I hear a few quick knocks at my bedroom door, pulling my thoughts to the present. Hurriedly, I stash my book in my desk drawer.

"Come in," I holler, turning towards the door. For a brief moment my eyes catch the hole in my wall above my bed. With a click, my mother steps inside, holding two cups of steaming liquid. Probably herbal tea.

"I made you some chamomile, lavender, and basil tea." Her hand extends a purple mug towards me. A part of me wants to lash out, to tell her I don't need to calm down. But, not only does she not deserve that, I also realize my hands have formed tightly clenched fists and there is a concerned look in her eyes. She clears her throat before continuing. "I added a protection and cleansing spell to it for you."

A small smile makes its way to my lips and, after a forced deep breath, I let my fingers wrap around the warm ceramic. Mom makes her way to my bed, her eyes lingering on the gaping abyss in the wall before she catches the sight of the drywall pieces scattered across my bed. She gets working on wiping the dust onto my bedroom floor instead.

"How's father?" I lightly blow on the steaming liquid.

"Well, you know, he just had to watch me make his drink to make sure I didn't, you know, drug him in a way he didn't want." She rolls her eyes before plopping on my bed, a light cloud of dust billowing from my comforter. We both sip from our cups, and I fight a grimace. Basil in tea, gross. But, it should help keep the curse from latching onto me.

"Did you at least cast a spell to put him to sleep, or something?"

"No," she said, a little harshly. She gives me a pointed look with a soft chuckle, lowering her voice before continuing, "But, I did throw in 3 extra shots of whiskey in both of the hot toddies he downed. He'll be passed out on the couch in an hour.

We both know she'll be celebrating before she goes to bed tonight. She'll have the bed to herself and tomorrow will be a calm day. Hangovers keep him to the couch, watching television.

"The sun is setting, you should spend some time at your shrine and get some rest. We have some preparations to do tomorrow." Mom stands up and is almost out of my room when she stops and looks back at me. "I love you, sleep tight."

"Love you too, mom. Get some rest."

With that my bedroom door clicks shut and I'm left alone. My eyes find the shrine in the corner of my room. With a gulp of my tea, I push myself to my feet and grab my book of spells, standing in front of the shrine. There are three framed drawings of Aine, the nation's chosen goddess, framed with candles in front. There's also a framed picture of Rhiannon – goddess of patience – and one of Scathach – a warrior princess. All of the candles are white, except the ones in front of Rhiannon and Scathach; there's a blue candle before Rhiannon to help give me patience and strength, with a red one before Scathach to bring me protection. I pick up the piece of chalk on the floor and draw a quick circle on the floor around me. Once the circle is drawn, I walk around it three time before sitting in the center of the circle, facing my shrine.

"As the sun ceases," I say softly, pinching the wick of a candle, feeling the flame come to life, "and the moon's light increases."

I pinch another wick, lighting another candle.

"Let me thank you-"

Another candle lit.

"For the power from you I drew-"

The blue candle sparks to life.

"And let tomorrow begin anew."

The red candle flickers.

I cross my legs, resting a hand on each knee and close my eyes, taking deep, steady breaths.

I thank the Goddess Aine for my birth and for the growth of my herb garden. I thank Goddess Aine for the increase in the country's population.

I feel my limbs become heavier, almost like a doll.

I thank Goddess Rhiannon for the patience I showed with father today and for the strength to stand up against him.

I force myself to look at the pictures as I continue my thanks. If I fall asleep in here, I'll transfer to the spirit realm.

I thank Princess Scathach for protecting me against the curse sent my way and for allowing my mom a night in her bed, sheltered from father.

Last but not least, I thank all three for their support in my life today.

With that final thought of thanks, I blow out each candle and wipe away the circle. My now cold tea sits on my desk forgotten as I crawl into bed, the black hole weeping it's drywall tears as my eyes close out the real world.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2019 ⏰

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