A Proposal of Sorts

Start from the beginning

Aspyn POV

I couldn't believe the nerve of that man! I mean seriously! What makes him think I would want to be anything with him at all!! I was pacing back and forth across the living room while throwing my fit. Finally I exhausted myself and went upstairs to take a nap.

I awoke to the slamming of the back door and stomping of boots. I knew then the brute had come back home. I awoke with a new out look on the situation and decided most importantly I would be gaining the protection of a very strong man and he wasn't a bad looking man to be hanging on the arm of though.

I was laying there processing everything when my door flung open scaring me so that I sit straight up in bed facing the brute himself. He was glaring at me and then came stomping to my side of the bed.

" Well?"

" Well, what?"

" Well what? You know damn well what I'm asking Aspyn."

" Oh, are you still expecting an answer to your offensive offer?"

" Okay look here's the deal. Sex is off the table and it was rude to put it on there in the first place. But I am a man with needs so if it goes there I won't have a moral compass about it. I will let it happen and I will encourage it to go there believe me but that being said I won't do anything that would make you feel uncomfortable in anyway. Should you ever feel disrespected or treated less than your value then you tell me so I can change it. However I do want this to look real so in front of others anywhere we go you should be the doting girlfriend. They should know nothing different. So how's that sound."

" Fine."

" Fine? Fine what Aspyn? "

" Fine I'll do it."

" Oh, good. Listen I'll pay you two grand a week and you will take it without argument. I will treat you to things and give you things when I want to and you will accept with no argument, well, because that annoys me. Also I want you to always remember to make this look real and you will attend all functions and go with me whenever and wherever just like a real couple. So glad we settled this."

" Just one thing cowboy. "

" Ugh what Aspyn? What now."

She stood from the bed becoming closer to him than she realized she would and smirked at him before saying, "in order for this to work Romeo it will have to appear painfully real to everyone but don't get lost in fantasy and forget reality."

" I'm really becoming annoyed. What is that supposed to mean?"

" It means don't go falling in love with me JD."

" Trust me , that's not even a possibility darlin'."

She laughed, " you say that now."

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