A Rough Morning

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The next morning I awoke ready to get in the shower and start my day. I was still a little tired from tossing and turning thanks to thoughts of the girl in the next room which in return made me slightly irritable. So imagine how aggravated I was when I heard my shower running without me in it.

For the life of me I couldn't figure out why she was up this early and taking away my time to shower and get myself together. I felt like the shower had been running for hours and my patience was wearing thin. Finally I heard the shower click off and then the blow dryer going. 'What the hell' I ranted to myself. I had put a damn vanity in the room she was in and she couldn't use that?

Finally I had had enough waiting for her to get out and flung the door open knocking a hole into the drywall as I did. She screamed and backed up against the counter looking at me as if I had just pulled a gun on her. As quick as the fear came it was gone and anger took over quickly.

" Are you insane," she shouted with her hands on her hips.

" Yes! yes actually I am and your testing me beyond my limits!"

" How in the hell am I doing that? I literally just got up and I'm already driving you insane! This is why I said I would be leaving today! I'm in your way and haven't even seen you yet!"

" Get your hands off your hips and stop running your mouth! You aren't going anywhere but back to your room! I just wanna shower and your taking to long in here primping. I've been waiting for a while."

" All you had to do was knock! Are you incapable of reacting like a normal person to anything! Why do you always insist upon yelling?"

" Why are you yelling? I don't see you be soft spoken. "

" Because you just came in here like a mad man that's why."

" You know what you talk to much," I grabbed her up threw over my shoulder carrying her towel clad body back to her room and flung her on to the bed. I heard a little squeal come from her as I did when I went back to the bathroom.

" You brute of a man!"

" Yeah, yeah go be productive!"

I laughed as I walked back to the bathroom at her calling me a brute. She was feisty and I loved hearing that side of her as opposed to the scared soft spoken Aspyn that she tends to be. I got in the shower and felt ten times better than I had felt. Though the water wasn't warm long thanks to the shower hog but still I felt great.

I headed down stairs to the smell of bacon and coffee among other mouth watering smells. When I approached the kitchen I saw Aspyn with her piled high on top of her head and shirt hanging off her shoulder and shorts so short that they should against the law. As short as she was what height she had was all in her legs and they were perfect. It took all I had not to reach out and run my hand up them.

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