-Darling sorry for being late. There were a lot of people in the shop

-Its okay mum...Marcus was here with me so I wasn't alone

-Oh thats good. Nice to see you again Marcus

Mac- Nice to see you too...your daughter is an amazing person

Martinus Pov

I have a bad feeling today. I don't know why...maybe it's just me. I just try to ignore it. Marcus came in the hospital again...he really cares about Alina. That's so good of him...I love their friendship.

We were together for an hour when he stood up.

-Martinus..we better go home now..It's pretty late

-Hmm...I was thinking to stay here tonight again

-You have to change clothes bro. You need to take a bath. You can't stay here again.

-Yeah but..

Then Alina talked too

-Yeah Martinus...Marcus is right. You also need to sleep. The past days you don't sleep well. Go to your home and rest. I will be fine.

The truth is that I really feel tired. And I really need a bath. I think about it a bit and I stand up too.

-I promise that I will be back soon baby

-Martinus dont worry. Stay at your home and come back tomorrow again.

-But you have to call me if anything happen. Even if it's 3 in the morning call me. I will have my phone next to my ear.

-Okay baby...I will take my phone in my hands and if something happen I will call you.

I take her phone from the table and give it to her hands.

-Try to sleep...and if you are bored or anything call me..

-Yeah Martinus

She says and she giggles a bit.

-Alina we have to leave too...you know it. I have to go to the university tomorrow and I have to drive mum at work now. She has night shift.

-Yeah yeah sure I know

Martinus- Alina..Are u sure you are okay with staying alone in the night? 

-Yeah...I am not alone...there are many doctors here

-Marcus...Can we stay ten more minutes?

-Yes of course

I really feel bad for letting her alone. I want to stay here for as long as I can. Her mum with her brother says goodnight to all of us and leave.

-Love you both...Have a good work mum

-Thank you...See you tomorrow darling

We stayed ten more minutes as we said and then we had to leave.

Before we leave she opened widely her arms and I got lost in her hug. I was a bit insecure to hug her tight because of all the machines around her but she did it for me. I took off her mask from her face and kissed her lips but she made the kiss last for more than it was supposed.

It remind me the kiss from that awful day. I try to ignore this feeling cause the whole day has been weird.

-Baby your oxygen..


My heart hurts a bit for leaving but I think that she needs some personal time too.

In the house I take a long bath to relax and then lay in my bed with my phone next to me. I call Alina to make sure she is okay before I sleep

-Hey baby

-Hey Martinus

-I called you to make sure you are okay. I can still come there if you want

-No no...I am alright.

-Good...so I will let you sleep

-Yeah..can I say something last?

-Yes my love..of course

-I love you very much Martinus..never forget this..never doupt it

-I love you too baby girl


-Goodnight...I will see you tomorrow

She ended the call and I automatically fell asleep.


My phone started ringing and I quickly accepted the call. It was her doctor.

-Martinus...emm you have to come here now

-What happened?

-Come quickly








What do you think about Karoline? Is she really sorry or not?

And personally even though the main character is Martinus...I love Marcus' and Alina's friendship

Don't forget to vote and comment♡

What do you think that happened?

Stay || Martinus G ||जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें