Part 22

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Marcus Pov

I wake up and I see my alarm. Shit it's already 12:00 in the morning. I overslept once again.

I quickly change clothes, take my bag and go to school. I have already lost four hours... I arrive and get into the building. I was in the corridor heading to my class when I fell into someone. I say sorry without seeing who is it and continue walking until a hand stops me. I turn around and I see that bitch, Karoline

-I said sorry

-No no its okay. I just want to ask where is Martinus...He hasn't come to school these days

-Not your business

-Is he with Alina? Is Alina fine?

-The answer is the same as before

-Marcus...I know that what I did was wrong...I am trying to fix it

-You understood this too late. Now leave me alone...and my brother with Alina too

I say and leave quickly for my class. I could see that she was trully sorry but I really dont care. She had to think about it before she did what she did.

I find my crew and started talking. I passed the whole time in school quite boring...I mean who is happy to be at school?..except Martinus.

I would go to the hospital to see Alina and Martinus cause he slept there once again, but after the school the whole crew came at my home to play fifa. We order pizza and we were playing for many hours.

It had started to getting dark outside so I told them that I had to study for tomorrow.

" are getting a bit nerd"

they said.

I calmed myself cause I have made a promise to Alina so just said nothing. They left and five minutes later I left too.

I arrived at the hospital and then in her room. She was alone and that was weird.

-Heeey...where is Martinus?

-He went with my brother and my mom to take something to eat...They will be here in two minutes. You remember what I asked you?

-Yeah...thats why I am here....Hope he will come with me

-He will...Marcus thank u so much again. It means a lot...

-I still cant understand this completely but okay.

-You deserve to be happy Marcus. You deserve a good girlfriend and good friends

-Well dont worry..when I will find that girl I will bring her to you to tell me if you agree...You are my friend now..remember?


Alina Pov

It's a complicated day for me. And it's also my last one. I clearly remember what happened yesterday night. I listened what my dad said. I hadn't the power to talk or to keep my eyes open but I know what he said.

In few hours everything will be better. Before anyone comes I ask Marcus to come closer. He stands up and sit beside me on the bed. I open my arms and he comes even closer to hug him. I take off my mask for a bit and I kiss him on the cheek. He goes a bit back and place my mask to my face.

-Sometimes you have a bad profile on school but you are a very good person Marcus. And of course a very good friend. I am really lucky to know you.

A sweet smile appears on his face

-Thank you very much. I am lucky to know you too.

The next second Martinus with my brother and my mum comes in. Marcus goes back to the chair and Martinus looks at him suspiciously.

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