Chapter 7

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Nova POV

Hailee looked at me in disbelief.

"You said that he..." She started and stopped herself.

"I don't know. It's not possible." I said taking the bottle out of the babies mouth and burping her.

"Then how? How is he the one doing this?" I stood up and walked around the living room.

"Maybe he was waiting for the right time to start. Maybe when he got out, he was waiting to start the plan. And it would make sense. The reason he was raping them after he killed them." I said.

"To become the monster they made him." Phoenix said.

"This just makes things harder. We know who is actually killing them. But now we have to figure out where he is." Nico said pulling out his phone. Presumably to call Adams. 

"Agreed. If he's 'dead' how are we supposed to find him in like 6 days?" Hailee asked. My phone rang again.

"Congrats. You know who I am. So you wanna know where to find me? Break up with your boyfriend and I'll tell you. You have ten minutes. If not, your building might just blow." I hung up.

"Hailee, can you watch over the baby for a few minutes?" I asked. She nodded and I switched the baby over to her. "Nix, can we talk outside?" He nodded and we walked out to the balcony.

"What is it?" He asked.

"I-ive been thinking. You're always holding me back. I want to do something to help everyone, but you won't let me. And I'm trying to save people but you're holding me back from doing that." I said twirling my hair.

"Nova, I'm sorry but..."

"I'm not finished. I don't want that to happen anymore. You can't hold me back anymore. So, I have to break up with you Phoenix. I'm sorry, but that's just the way it has to be." I said pushing last him back into the living room. Hailee was trying to calm down the baby so I took her and my phone and went up the stairs to somewhere quiet. My phone rang.

"Good job. So, you really want to know where to find me. Well, right about now, Cassie and I are in the state you and your family were going to when the accident happened. Let's see if you remember." Jorge said and hung up the phone. When the crash happened, we were on our way to the airport. But where we going. Somewhere in the states. But where. It was around winter. My mom lacked us half winter clothes. Half summer clothes. Where in the states would you wear summer and winter clothes? Somewhere that gets cold, but not that cold. Florida. I gently ran down the stairs.

"Florida. He's in Florida." I said. Hailee looked at me. Olivia and Jakob who has just gotten back stopped what they were doing.

"How do you know?" Olivia asked.

"I just do. Nico." I said turning to him. "Tell Adams to get his ass down here." Nico nodded and turned back to the group. "Liv, can you get a babysitter down here?"

"Yea. What are you planning?" She asked pulling her phone out. I pulled my phone out and called my private jet Cameron.

"Hey Cam. Can you get to the roof of the apartment in 30 minutes? We need to get to Florida. Asap." I said.

"Yea. Be there in 30." He replied.

"Thanks. See ya soon." I said hanging up.

"I know what you're thinking. If Jorge is in Florida, he might start killing there." Olivia said. I nodded.

"The only question is, where the hell would he be?" Hailee asked brushing Melanie's hair out. I thought back to where we going. My mom wanted to take us to some part of Orlando. Universal. But which part? She said that they had thrilling rides that she would make sure we could get on. Island of Adventures.

"Universal Studios. Island of Adventures. And he can't exactly waltz in there during the day. He'd most likely gonna break in at night. The park closes at 10 I'm pretty sure." I said. Phoenix hadn't left the balcony at all. But he came in.

"Universal is currently being evacuated on account of a Hispanic male, around the age of 16 walking in with a gun and a knife to a 19 year olds throat. Female." He said sitting in the couch. "It says he's making his way to the top of an exhibit and is threatining to kill the girl if he doesn't get his ransom in 5 hours." The elevator opened and Adams walked out with Olivia's sister.

"No time to explain Madzie. I just need you to take care of them for a few hours. Can you manage?" Olivia asked. Her younger sister nodded.

"Yea. Now, go save the damn states." She said grabbing the baby from my arms. We all scattered into the elevator. I took us up to the roof where we waited for Cameron. Phoenix grabbed my arm and pulled me over to the side.

"Okay, what was that about down there?" He whispered. I held my hands behind my back.

"I told you. You're holding me back Nix." I whispered shifting my position.

"No. You were on the phone before you did that. Did he tell you to break up with me for information?" He asked grabbing my arm. I pulled back.

"No. He didn't. I was thinking about that for a while. And I didn't want to, but I can't date people that are trying to hold me back. You understand?" I stated.

"I still love you okay? And I know you still love me." He said as Olivia grabbed me away.

"Hey. It says that the man is saying that only one person can get talk to him. You. He wants you to go up to the attraction he's on. Only you." She whispered.

"Then that's what's going to happen. You stay outside of the park. Okay? We don't want him to open fire." I said as Cameron lowered himself down onto the building.

"Hey Novs and friends. If y'all wanna get to Florida, you best get in this jet." He said. We all hopped in. It was time to go face our friend Jorge.

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