Chapter 3

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Adams P.O.V

"C-Cassie?" I heard Nova whimper from behind me.

"You 6 to my office." I said talking to the teens. They nodded though Nova seemed reluctant to go. "Steve, what were his demands?"

"Hailee, Nova and Olivia. I think, somehow, our killer knows we have them working on the case."

"We aren't working with a killer anymore. We're working with an assassin. A gendercide assassin to be exact." I said walking to my office, Steve behind me. When I got there it looked like both Phoenix and Hailee were restraining Nova from talking or moving.

"Gendercide. He isn't just killing anyone who walks through that alley every three days. He's killing females that walk through that alley every three days around 5:30." Hailee said sitting on Nova's lap and covering her mouth.

"Let her up. We better get this over with while we still can." I said sitting down getting ready for the storm. Hailee nodded and got off of Nova who stormed right over my desk.

"Did you know?" She practically yelled.

"Your parents knew but didn't want you to know. They asked my predecessor to keep looking but keep it a secret. When he stepped down he asked me to keep searching." I said not meeting her, or anyone elses gaze.

"You knew? This entire time that Cassie was still alive? And you didn't tell anyone? You just let me think that she was dead!" She was actually yelling know.

"Nova, you need to stop." Phoenix said. "Now." He grabbed her hands that had been digging into my desk. I could see drops of blood. I could tell she didn't feel any pain. She just felt relief. She didn't budge.

"You. Let me think. Think that my sister was dead. Let me think that no one could find her body because of how far the crash through her." She dug her hands in deeper. She was doing it on purpose and getting relief out if it.

"Nova, I'm not kidding. I will call your parents or Tessa right now if you don't stop." Phoenix said. He grabbed her again. She still didn't budge.

"And tell them what?! What exactly are you going to tell them Nix? Tell them what they already know? That I'm fucking crazy? That I'm fucking depressed?! That I'm suicidal?" I tried not to but I instantly looked up. She saw me. "That's right! And you, and your predecessors lies made me that way! So once again Phoenix I ask, what the hell are you going to tell them that they don't already fucking know?" She asked kicked my desk and ran out. Phoenix following her.

"Oliver?" Olivia asked standing up. "You were lying about that right?" I shook my head. She also walked out if the room. Hailee, Jakob and Nico were the only ones left in my office besides Steve and I.

Phoenix P.O.V

Nova ran out of the station crying. When I caught up to her, her hands were covered in blood. I pulled her close.

"You shouldn't be out on the streets alone." I said. She was still crying. She pushed away from me.

"So? Let him kill me. My entire fucking life was a fucking lie." I grabbed her again.

"Hey. I'm not a lie okay? I'm not a lie. Olivia, Hailee, Jakob and Nico aren't a lie." She took a breath and looked at her hands. "Look, if you can promise me that you won't do it again, I won't call Tessa or your parents." I said rubbing her back.

"Okay." I grabbed a wipe and wiped off her hands.

"I know that you're worried about Cassie. And mad at Adams, but we need to figure out who this guy is. Okay?" I asked. She nodded and grabbed my hand and we walked back into the station and back into Adams's office. Nova said nothing.

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