Painful Life

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Chapter 18

Say Yes

Sarah came home and walked into my room with biggest smile on her face.

"Omg.... you won't believe what happened tonight.."

"You guys kissed and he asked you out"

"He-'d you know?"

"I-" i was about to start," lucky guess" i lied

" oh... well heck yeah!"

" thats awesome!" I hugged her congradulations but truely, i want envious, mad, sad. I wanted to scream, tell her to go back to Ed, and leave. But what kind of friend would i be then? She went to sleep and i went to bed too, not sleeping! Just starring at the wall for 3 hours thinking of what i was planing to do tomarrow about Michael.... and how i was going to handle the thought of my 7 year crush on Joshua being my best friend's new boyfriend. And on top of that, my stupid scoliosis brace.... what am i going to do?

The next day me and Sarah got ready.

"Sweetie, i gotta go pick up gramma to go to the doctor's, your going to have to take the bus today."

"Ok, mom. Bye, love you!"

"Its okay, Joshua said he can pick us up."

She walked to the front door i was about to follow when my mom tapped my shoulder.

"Joshua? Isn't that the boy you like?"


"Ooo, haha, Sarah knows him? That must be cool, now you can get to know him more too!"

"Joshua's her boyfriend, mom..."

"Oh, sweetie. Are you going to be okay?"

"Whatever... k bye"

Joshua picked us up. Sarah sat in the front and i sat the back, alone.

"I feel like the third wheel" i mumbled to myself.

"What?" Sarah asked me.

"Nothing..." i looked out the window

"Heyy, babe. Missed you" they kissed again for a long time.... why!?!?

"Umm, if you two love birds don't mind. I need to get to school so uhh...Joshua, you gonna drive, or u gonna keep smooching my best friend?"

He drove and i walked out of the car faster than they even got out of the car.

"Why you leaving so fast?" Sarah hollered at me.

"Because you two are making my barf!" I yelled back.

At lunch i Michael came up to me.

"Whats up?"

I pulled him to a corner, like he did to me.

"You gonna ask me out? Why don't you ask Joshua?"

I looked up at him and saw that he was still hurt.

"I loved you since the 5th grade.... and i finally ask you and you-"





I kissed him.

I pulled away from the kiss.

"I didn't want to brake your heart, but now i relize i broke your heart like Joshua broke mine.... will you forgive me?"

He smiled and kissed me back then he pulled away.

"So... are know... a couple?"

I thought of Joshua, how my heart was telling me no, then how he's dating my best friend.....

I nodded and we were about to kiss again-


He told me to close my eyes, turned me around and i felt a cold small delicate thing go around my neck. I opened my was a locket that had a picture of him in it. Then he put a ring on my finger that had "I Love You" engraved in it.

I looked up at him in surprize.

"Thankyou, i love them." I smiled and we kissed again.

Heyyy so dis was a happy chapter, no? ;)

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