"Martinus falling hard for Alina be like this".

Martinus blush and shows his middle finger to him, and sends a kiss to me. I pretend to catch it and place it in my heart. They continue for almost five minutes when a doctor comes in.

When she saw what was happening she started shouting that this is a hospital and not a football field. Martinus was the most serious of us cause me and Marcus were laughing at her.

She checked my oxygen and then she left after she looked mad at the boys.  The next second the door opens and my whole family comes in.

The boys stop and look at each other. Even my dad came...he doesn't want to come and see me in the hospital..he had said it to me when I first had leukemia.

Of course I accept it...I can understand him.

Well I can guess that my doctor called them. My mum smiled and came closer. She always wants to be strong..like me..but we both know that this is only in front of others. My brother came closer too. My dad just kept standing in the door and Marcus and Martinus were just looking

-Heey..you two come here with us

My mum said them. Martinus did what my mum said but Marcus was a bit embarrassed so he just said

-I have to go home...I will see you soon Alina..take care


I said looking him to remind him the favor I asked him. He smiled and nodded. He turned around and left the room.

Martinus Pov

We were all talking together for over four hours...we had so much fun together. Alina didn't really talk...she was more like watching and hearing us.

I was holding her hand the whole time. I had already talked to her mother before but today was different...I can't really describe it...I just felt like I do this every day.

Her whole family is so adorable. But her dad never came closer. He was standing in the door the whole time.

After many hours it got dark outside and her mum had to leave. I told to his brother to leave too cause I could stay and have an eye on her. I was sure that his father would go too but he didnt.

At night when she fell asleep he came into the room and sat close to us. I was sitting in her bed so I was right in front of him...but he never said something to me.

I could see his pain on his eyes...It's not easy to see your child in this situation...needing help even for breathing. I was focused on my phone when I heard a weird noise from Alina. Me and her dad turned to see.

Her eyes were widely open and she was struggling to breath. Her dad just froze and I quickly tried to help her by taking of her mask. She stood up but she was too weak to do it alone.

I took her in my arms and ran to the toilets with her. The same story..she threw up. I helped her wash her face and we went back. I left her in the bed and she placed the mask back to her face.

Her dad was looking us socked and I just went and holded his shoulder. Alina was about to say something but her eyes closed and she fell asleep...she is so tired...

-She will be better

I said to his dad and he looked at me

-Thank you

-No need to do this 

-If you weren't here...I wouldn't know what to do

-It's okay

-You know what? From the moment that she was born she never did something bad to someone...She was always so nice. And this what she took...leukemia. It's so unfair...I see her so many years stuggling. Sometimes she seems good...but look at her now..she doesnt deserve it. Once I had read his diary..she had wrote "I wish I could die and noone would remeber me...but I know how much my family loves me and I do this for them". From that moment I can't see her in a hospital cause I know that she doesn't really want to do this. She does it for us..for me. And I dont know...is it good or not?







And here I am...back at posting late at night ♡ Yeah sorry for that ♡

Wish you all had an amazing saturday ♡

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