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     -Eighteen years later-
" Mom, Pearl toyed with my paintings again." Treasure shouted from upstairs.

Precious just smiled at her boy manner of reporting. Treasure was the result of the first pregnancy. Two years later,a baby girl was welcomed into the family and was named Pearl.

   Iyiola had been the best husband a woman would ever ask for,and the best father all kids would want. Iyiola fulfilled his promise of allowing his kids pursue their dreams.   Treasure wants to a gallery of art, he had his paintings pasted all over the living room,which his father used for boasting whenever his colleagues or friends from workplace comes visiting, while Pearl wants to be a fashion designer. Precious stopped working for the media when she had her second child,she now write stories,as a story lover before.

    Nana and Isaac travelled out of the country after Nana second child Nuel,but they still come down to Nigeria for summer and Christmas.

    The door opened, Pearl comes in with a sketch book, she ran to her mother who was enjoying a TV show .

   "Mom,you can't believe it." She paused and cleared her throat. "I was outside waiting for dad,when a message popped in on my phone,I thought it was dad apologetic message of coming late ."  Pearl had been a lot of dad's girl, while Treasure is one under mom's apron.

   " Sis Semilore is graduating from University in the next two months."

Hope you haven't forgotten Semilore was Fortune's first daughter and yes he married his baby Mama,but unfortunately Semilore was their first and last kid.

"Yeah, Fortune mentioned that the last time he called. So what's up?"

  "The gown I showed you last week,the latest sketch of mine,she selected it and am doing her make up."

"That wasn't your first job." Precious said

"Yeah Mom, but am glad because grandpa is flying down for his first grandchild graduation."  She jumped up and ran towards the step. Precious knew it's her brother who is next to hear the news but right now he just reported her

"Hey miss be careful there,he just mentioned you toyed with his canvass." Pearl countenance fell. Her brother had been her best friend but now she dares not go near him.

"He inherited that bad thing from dad's family, three minutes temper."

" I heard that" . Iyiola comes in.
"Son,you look pale what's up?"  Iyiola asked his son. They just had their meal.

"Yeah,the girl he was doing anonymous lover with want to meet with him or break up and he was a scared." Pearl said as she comes out of the kitchen.

Treasure gave him you are dead look.

"Excuse me" Iyiola exclaimed

"He said Mom told him that how she was captured by you,and I already told him it was old cargo." Everyone laughed at Pearl word expect Treasure
  "Son, I told you,am the best but you can be better than the best,go and show her yourself and if she's for you,you get her." Treasure nodded.

"Iyi are you kidding me right now,the boy is just 18....." Iyiola cuts in

"He is leaving the country next month duh, none of us would be there with hi ,tell what he needs now." Precious scoffed at him and everyone of them laughed

                                         THE END

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