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Iyiola entered the house in the evening,the house was neat and clean, for the pass four days he haven't taken care of the house.

"But I told Magi to go home,why is she so adamant?" Ha said as he's proceed to the stairs,a delicious smell comes from the kitchen. He sniffed the air

"Is Precious around?" He shake his head negatively. "Just a daydreaming,maybe  Nana branch by .

"  He opened the door to the bedroom and was shocked at the sight in front of him. Precious was sleeping peacefully on the bed looking tired. Iyiola rubbed his face to make sure it was real .

"Mi Amor!" He smiled to himself. He walked to the couch in the bedroom and dropped his bag,as he was offing his clothes ,his hand mistakenly hit his bag which fell noisely and woke Precious.

"Iyimi, is that you?" She said not opening her eyes.

"Senorita" he whispered loudly enough for her to hear . She wakes sat up and smiled at her husband, she widen her hands for hug, Iyiola got the message and went to her . He wrapped his arms around her tightly both sobbing saying nothing for some seconds.

"Precs, I was so sorry." He break the silence. " I never expected such mistake from me in my lifetime,am sorry for not letting you know from the beginning." Precious put her finger on her husband lips to shushed him.

"Please don't interrupt." Precious pleaded and Iyiola nodded.
"Am sorry for not fulfilling my promise,the promise I made in the alter in the congregation of children of God." She blinked away the tears in her eyes." I said FOR BETTER: FOR WORSE that very day we exchanged rings but I didn't stay for the worse,I didn't share the worse with you,but you did with me . " She paused and look him straight in the eye ."Iyimi,this is the worse,we are in it together. Am sorry for running when I ought to stay." Iyiola was dumbfounded,he wrapped his arms tightly around her and sobs onto her neck .

"You are the best Precs,I never expected your forgiveness in years to come. He released her and held her face. "I love you from dawn to dusk"

"I love you too." Iyiola captured her lips with his and enjoyed the moment.
Iyiola and Precious were both in the living room one afternoon both watching TV. Precious laying on the couch and her head on Iyiola's lap,both enjoying the movie with popcorn and drinks.Then  a knock comes in the door,Magi who was in also in the living room with them,stands and make her way to the door. A lady with a baby bump comes in dressed up in a short gown and sandal. Iyiola was surprised at the sight .

" Surprised!" The lady said, Magi left the living room noticing the tension. Precious sit up and look at her husband confused .

"Seriously Jessica,why are you here?"

"Wow,with the look on your wife face,she doesn't know our huge secret?" Jessica laugh hysterically,she the walk majestically to where Precious and Iyiola are both sitting dumbstruck .

"Actually, your husband baby mama." Precious chuckled .

"Seriously!"she stand on her feet but Iyiola pulled her to sit. "Jessica or whatsoever you call your self,you have the audicity to come into my matrimonial home and start behaving like Lucifer's deputy here." She clapped her hands and laugh .

"Your expectation is you coming here to give me the most shocking News but duh it's not." Jessica stood embarrassed, Iyiola was surprised at Precious words cause she've always be the calm one.
"Am sorry if my husband had been ignoring your call but it's a simple matter,we want a friend of yours or any member of family to be here tomorrow,the same applies to us,we gonna do some medical stuff. So don't be late 9am in the morning." She reached out for her housemaid.

"Magi,please  come and show our non -august visitors the way out." Magi comes out of the kitchen and persuade Jessica out, locking the door. Iyiola look at Precious surprisingly,but got no odd expression from her .

"Take a picture it last longer." Precious said as she pecked her husband on the lips

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