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" and seungmin going well?" jisung says chewing his gum looking at hyunjin who blushed.

"we're doing great...i really love spending time with him. he's so cute." hyunjin dazed as his eyes twinkled thinking about his new boyfriend.

"you guys are so gross it's sickening, but i'm happy all is going well. on the other hand i can't find someone right now." jisung sighed. jisung, isn't gonna lie and say he isn't jealous of hyunjin. hyunjin and seungmin were practically highschool sweethearts and no one could say they weren't the cutest couple ever.

hyunjin frowned, at his dongsaeng. he knew, jisung always felt lonely and from time to time hyunjin always tried to set him up with someone but it didn't work out most of the time and jisung never really ended up being in a real relationship.

nonetheless, jisung never stopped trying. recently, at the muji store across from where he worked. (keep in mind he worked at daiso) jisung had seen a new worker come in. hyunjin, had known who he was and could obviously tell jisung found a liking for the other male. his name was lee minho, and you could damn well say that jisung was whipped.

"i've seen you've been looking at the new worker across the store at muji. see anything in him?" hyunjin spoke out. jisung turned, his squirrel-like cheeks turning  a deep rosy pink. "i- uh- yes?" jisung replied not knowing how to answer. "well, his name is lee minho and he's 20 years old." hyunjin added on making jisung more curious.

"are you friends with him?" jisung inquired. "somewhat yes, minnie introduced him to me and he seems really nice." hyunjin then replied.

jisung, hummed in response then turning his head to look at minho's gorgeous features. from his blonde locks, to his big doe eyes and cute smile he gave to the customers after they leave the store.

"excuse me?" a girl in the store suddenly interrupted his daze. "oh- sorry! is there an issue?" jisung asks now putting his attention back on his customer.

"where are your hairbrushes?" the girl asks. "oh they're on isle 5 next to the bathroom products. they should be on the right side." jisung answers with a smile. "thank you!" the girl giggles and walks away.

hyunjin checks the time and realizes that closing time is in 2 minutes. "sung, we need to close up the store. it's almost 9." he taps his shoulder. "let me make an announcement for everyone in here."

"customers in the store, we will now be closing. anyone who is still shopping please hurry and check out now. thank you." hyunjin said in the loud speaker.

as all went as expected customers checked out and hyunjin locked the shop up to go home along with jisung. as they turned they saw minho walking out with his backpack who looked up to see the two walking out. he smiled and began to walk towards them.

"hey hyunjin, hey...sorry i don't know your name...? anyways, i'm lee minho!" minho chirped as jisung's cheeks turned red instantly. "oh hey min, this is han jisung he's my co-worker and also friend, how's felix?" hyunjin answers with a genuine smile.

"oh, felix is doing great! i think he's with a guy named changbin now haha. as for me? let's just say i'm still looking into someone." minho laughs awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck.

jisung, practically swooned at minho's voice. it was like heaven to his ears and could've sworn that his giggle could give him a heart-attack. he was damn well whipped and he knew it in his own mind before even speaking to the elder.

"what about you cutie?" minho smirked making jisung snap out of his daze and get instantly flustered in front of him.

"i- oh, u-uhm i'm doing fine i guess...not really doing anything besides seeing hyunjin 3 days a week and going to school and doing homework..." jisung says mumbling towards the end. minho, could obviously tell that jisung was flustered and decided to offer his number to the red boy to make his heart stop right in front of him.

"here's my number, we should hang out soon you seem really nice." minho winks pulling his phone out signaling jisung to pull out his phone as well.

after the two exchanged numbers, they waved their goodbyes as they went home to start another day of work that would continue for as long as they could remember.

but one thing was for sure,

han jisung was whipped for lee minho.


jisung had gotten home, after having food with hyunjin and flopped on his bed cuddling his bunny plushy.

"mr. bun bun, sungie was swo twired!" jisung whined holding the plushie harder. "but sungie met a new bwoy at work todway!! he was so cutie bun bun.." jisung said with a smile creeping up his face.

"sungie wants to be with him...but i'm nwot sure if he wants be bwack! is okie..." jisung frowned.

and so, jisung slipped into little space cuddling his bunny until he fell asleep.

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