Chapter 1

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"Bye" I called as I shut the door to my best friend Carys' house. We had a movie marathon and accidentally fell asleep and now it's 2am and I have to walk home on my own because my mum would kill me if she had to come pick me up. I originally started walking through the streets but I just wanted to get home as soon as I could so I started walking through allies. I couldn't bare the silence so I put my earphones in and turned the music up to the highest volume and because I was too busy choosing a song I didn't notice the fact that there was a massive log on the path and I tripped. "Ouch" I cried my eyes watering luckily there was a bench nearby so I hopped over to it and sat down inspecting my knee I'd cut it on the stone path. Badly . I tried to dab the blood with my jacket sleeve but it just kept pouring out then I heard a twig snap behind me and as I turned to the left a dirty rag was shoved in my face. I resisted the urge to breathe when I heard an Australian accent whisper "breathe it in" I shook my head wriggling to try and get out of the persons tight grip but then I felt another pair of hands holding my head still and eventually I had to breathe and then darkness took over me

I woke up in what seemed like a giant crib? Also I noticed that someone had changed my clothes I was in a baby grow. A FUCKING BABY GROW. Then it hit me I wasn't wearing my knickers I was wearing what felt like a nappy. "what the FUCK" I screamed. I heard footsteps which made me look at the door in fear then a blonde haired boy walked in with a smile on his face "aww baby your awake " he sang as he walked over to the crib. "What hell is going on?" I asked with an annoyed tone. "Well baby" he said as he pulled a chair up from the corner of the room. I hadn't noticed before but I'm in a room that looks like a nursery with dolls and playhouses lying around. Is this some kind of sick joke? I questioned myself then he carried on " we saw you out late and we wanted you so we took you and now your our baby" . " I'm 13" I said through gritted teeth. " so now your our 13 year old baby , wanna come and meet your other dads" I decided to play along " yes please daddy" "okay baby come on then" he said as he picked me up out of the crib and carried me on his hip I would have tried to have walked but I was quite weak probably from that rag they knocked me out with. We got to the kitchen and I was placed in a high chair after my 'dad' strapped me in I gave him a 'are you serious' look but he just smiled. I was beyond annoyed by now , to annoyed to show my confusion I felt a hand on my head and looked up to another man with blood red hair. "Morning baby girl" he whispered I slapped his hand of my head and crossed my arms he then tutted then walked over the boy who though he was my dad and helped him cook whatever he was cooking. I started wriggling with the little amount of strength I had when two other boys one with black hair and one with glasses came over to me and tried to hold me still " stop wriggling baby" they cooed I instantly froze hating the fact they were touching me it worked they let go but both kissed my forehead. I wiped my forehead with the sleeve and they both gave a little frown . " Breakfasts ready" explained the boy with red hair then all the boys took their seats at the table and then grabbed some toast and bacon and started to eat when the boy with glasses turned to face me and brought up a small bowl with what looked like porridge . He then brought a spoonful of the sloppy porridge up " are you serious ?" I question raising an eyebrow " I would eat it if I was you baby you need to get your strength back " I refused to eat it and all the boys stopped eating and turned to me. " I'll give you ten seconds " he said sternly " 10,9,8,7,6,5,4" he began to slow down "3" I stared him straight in the eyes still raising my eyebrow. "2" he said with gritted teeth "1" he sighed as he took my untouched bowl to the sink then sat back down and continued to eat his food and so did the rest of the boys . I felt the urge to pee and unlocked the straps on the chair then tried to get out "what do you think you doing Ellie ?" questioned the boy with black hair " I need a pee" I said arrogantly "it's can I go to the toilet please dad" "but your not my dad" "we're all your dad's babe" "just tell me your names already" "ok" said the boy with glasses "I'm ashton" he said pointing to himself "he's Calum" *pointing to him* "he's Luke" the boy who told me to call him dad this morning " And that's Michael " he said as he pointed to the redhead "but to you we're called dad and nothing else" I rolled my eyes " can I go to pee please dad" I said pushing the word 'Dad' . "Go on then baby" he said not doing anything to help me out of my seat but going to wash the dishes with Luke and Michael. I must have shown my confusion because Calum said "tell us when and we'll change you" referring to the nappy eww no that's so unhygienic and I don't want them seeing my 'lady parts' I began wriggling again trying my hardest to escape from this damn chair but realising that there was no other way to go to toilet I peed feeling defeated I lay my head on the chair table and began to cry. I cried for about 2 minutes when ashton came and helped me from the chair carrying me upstairs he brought me to the room I woke up in and put me on a changing table and started undoing my clothes to change the nappy I cried harder from the humiliation I felt so defeated and the crying made me weaker. Michael walked in and kissed my forehead and stroked my forehead telling me I was such a brave and good girl. I felt sick. these guys looked about 19 and they were treating me like an actual 2 year old , they were serious about it too. Ashton finished changing me then Michael picked me up and took me to his room laying me down and then lying next to me I hated them all Michael , Ashton ,Luke and Callum but being hugged was all I wanted right now so I took it As I felt my eyes growing heavier and the world started drifting away I felt Michael kiss my head whispering "goodnight baby girl "

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