Chapter I.

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Augustus straightened his posture, then he pushes up the door, he walks into the meeting office with his head high and his typical confident stride. He was dying on the inside but it didn't matter to him at the moment because his gaming company sales have risen and he was ready for more ideas to endorse. "Good Afternoon, let's get right to business. Wolfgang Games sales rose because of the new release of Danger Ahead Of Us. Who knew a simple game with aliens, mythical creatures, the world ending and people with ray guns would dominate the other games? But it was a lot more simple because I put two million dollars into the game and now it's a multi-million dollar deal, companies all over want it."

The people watched the tall man stalk in front of him, his hands cupped in front of him and he wore a Prada suit which was his favorite brand, hair was always slicked down because he didn't like his hair all over the place. Augustus was only twenty-six years old, started at the age of fifteen and doing things that only adults would do at his age but unlike his father who grew up fast, his son had to do the same. "That's why we need a new game and I'm here for suggestions. So fire away." Augustus says and that's when multiple pens were raised in the air, Augustus points at this woman named Greta, a pain in his ass but she is a pretty smart girl.

"How about a game that kids can learn about different languages?" Greta suggested and Augustus face contorted because everyone knows how he felt about children, they were disgusting and intolerable little people who he has no intentions of liking. "That's basically a Rosetta Stone for kids which I pretty much think it exists already so moving on." He dismissed her then he points at another person. Shania who is this pretty smart black woman that Augustus really got along with the office and is like a big sister to him. She is very smart, efficient and she was someone who he could count on.

"I know this ties to the last game but how about making it a virtual realitygame?" Shania suggested and Augustus smiles which weren't often, he motioned her to speak and everyone glares at her because she always suggested the good ideas. "Bitte erklären sie. Please explain." He tells her and she nodded as she gets up. "People love the game and just imagine it being more realistic, everything in front of your eyes and instead of using the handheld controller, use the virtuality system and it's also pretty good healthwise because they're up moving around because we have been getting a lot of backlash, especially in the health region." Shania explained and Augustus smiles because he would have never thought of that. "You're a genius, at twelve during lunch, we can discuss it more." Augustus tells her and she nodded. "Alright, everyone out." Augustus says and everyone piles out of the room, the last person leaves the room and he sighs as he hunches over resting his hands on the table.

His heart was pounding and he felt his vision started to blur just a bit, he sighs as he took deep inhales and exhales. He hated meetings, he hated standing in front of people and being this big boss man because it wasn't him, it never was but he had a company to run.

Augustus walks out of the room and he looks at his watch, it was time for the lunch break. He walks out to Shania's office. "Are you ready for lunch?" He questioned and Shania looks up from her desk, she nodded and she gathers her purse then comes out of her office. "Where are we eating?" He questioned her and she hummed. "Fabio's, it's a really good restaurant and if you don't mind, my sister will be joining us-" Augustus freezes and he turns around, looking at Shania with his cold green eyes. "Why?" He questioned and Shania sighed. "Well, she moved from Venezuela to New York after her year in the PeaceCorps, she's very sweet and you kinda asked me last minute so I can't just cancel out on her so I said we were gonna meet her there." Shania explained and he sighs as he rubs his face.

"Fine." Augustus grumbled.

Shania pats his shoulder and she grinned. "You're such a prude."

Augustus rolled his eyes as they walked into the elevators, Shania shakes her head. "You need to get out and meet new people. You can come to my cookout this weekend." She tells him and Augustus shakes his head because he wasn't comfortable going to family events especially other people's events. "No, thanks, I rather stay home in the complete dark and doing work or reading a good book." He tells her and Shania thought the man was crazy because he preferred work over having fun or relaxing but it seemed like ever since his father passed a year ago, he kinda became more isolated and not wanting anything to do with anyone.

"Whatever floats your boat." Shania says and they get off of the elevator.

Shania and him gather into her car because she knew where the place was, he didn't. Augustus face twisted as he listened to her radio station. Monica was playing on the radio and he has heard Shania's music before when he walks into her office, it was different for him and has never heard it before. He grew up in West Berlin where Rammstein, Dead Kennedys and Green Day was common. He sighs as he leans his head against the seat. "Who is this singing? She sings very gorgeously." Augustus asked and Shania looks over at him with a smile. "It's Monica, the song is called Stay or Go." She tells him and Augustus nodded. "I'll send you her albums and I'll send you a playlist too." She tells him and he continued looking out the window. "Super." He remarked and she nodded.

They get to the restaurant and he walks behind Sasha into the Mexican restaurant, he looks around and it was so loud, so lively and the music was so loud. There were a lot of families, there were a lot of kids and that made him sick. "Fuck this, I'm leaving." Augustus remarked but Shania grabs his arm. "If you don't come on." She huffed and he grunted as he followed behind her.

Augustus sees an empty booth with a woman, she gets up and his eyes widened slightly because she was just so gorgeous. Gorgeous brown skin, big Afro and pretty brown eyes. She was glowing in the low dimmed lights, she smiles as hugs Shania. Augustus watched the two women hug, Shania pulls away. "How are you? Oh my goodness, you look so good and you grew your hair out because at one point you were looking like Jada Pickett-Smith in A low Down Dirty Shame." She chuckles and the woman smiles. "Well, I'm Angela Davis now." She remarked as she fluffs her Afro and Shania smiles, Augustus is confused as ever because he had no idea who or what they were referencing.

"Oh this is my boss Augustus Wolfgang, Augustus meet my sister Salma." Shania introduced them and Salma smiles as she holds out her hand, Augustus shakes her hand. "Hi, you are the Big Boss Man that Shania tells me about, she didn't say you were incredibly handsome." She tells him and Augustus's mouth parted, he didn't know what to say. Shania clears her throat as she nudged Augustus's shoulder. He didn't realize that he was staring. Salma chuckles as she pulls her hand away from his and that's when Augustus wanted to end himself because he was holding her hand the whole time,  staring.

Salma sits down and Augustus turns around, tried to make a run for it but Shania catches him by the sleeve of his suit. "Sitcho ass down." She whispered, gritting her teeth in the process. "Yes, ma'am." He muttered and he sits down, smiling nervously. Shania sat at the end, trapping him in the booth. "So... Big Boss, Shania told me that you always like her ideas, when will she be promoted to COO-" Shania covers Salma's mouth and Shania laughs. "Sorry about that, she's talking complete nonsense, anyway, let's order food, shall we?" Shania says and Salma eyes squinted at Augustus who was already intimated by how gorgeous she was and how she thinks he's attractive because he has never had a woman tell him that besides Shania who jokes around with him all the time but even though she was serious but had such a funny way of telling of him.

They ordered their food and Augustus sat quietly while the girls talk, he sat and ate his salad quietly but his eyes kept drifting to Salma as Shania talked, she smiled at him every time making him look away. Shania was talking about this guy who she had to meet with her for her girl, she had me looking like boo boo the fool-"

"Who is boo boo the fool?" Augustus questioned and the girls looked at each other then they laughed. "We don't know." Shania laughs and Augustus rolled her eyes because he wasn't necessarily having a good time. "Shania, I'm about to take my food to go, I will see you back at work." He says and Salma tilts her head and she pouted a little. "You want to leave now? We just got here and I was looking forward to hearing more about your life outside of work." Salma says cooly and Augustus's eyes trailed to Shania who was smirking a little because he sees the way that he looks at her but it's not as evident on how Salma was looking at him.

"Um.. I guess, I can stay a bit longer." Augustus mumbled and she smiles softly and she stared, talked to him sweetly and asked him questions for the rest of their lunch. Augustus was a complete mess the entire time and it was clear that she was attracted to him but the real questions is... why?

Oop, so what do you think of this first chapter? 👀

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐮𝐧 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐑𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐀𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧.Where stories live. Discover now