What could I do?

Honestly, if we're going to generalize, then I should be the one who should ignore all of them, seeing as to how their kind ended my race.

So, that's exactly what I was going to do.

And Livius was not having it.

Of course, I didn't give two shits what that stubborn fucker had to say, but it was sort of hard to ignore him when he was trailing behind me in our rather large bedroom.

After our argument two days ago, he had immediately felt bad, as I expected. So I woke up to the scent of fresh flowers this morning, and immediately knew what he was doing. One would think a girl would be happy and immediately forgive her man for what happened, but I wasn't just any girl.

I was a girl with allergies.

So technically, I woke up sneezing.

After purposely dulling my senses using my magic, I turned to my rather regretful looking mate with my brows raised. It was almost amusing how bad he felt, but I was mad at him, so I wasn't going to tease him about it.

Gone was the loving girlfriend.

Ah, it truly does feel good to be back.

Striding out of the closet, I ran a hand through my hair and resisted the urge to roll my eyes as I caught sight of Livius waiting for me in the doorway.

"You can't ignore me forever, y'know," he murmured, those piercing blue eyes searching my own.

Disregarding his comment, I strode towards my vanity, my eyes refusing to meet his as I sat down and proceeded to undo the clasp of the necklace he'd gotten me.

I heard Selene huff in the back of my mind, she too upset with our mate. Yesterday it took everything in me to hold her back from taking over and ripping Victoria's head off.

"I already told you what I want, Livius," I said, briefly meeting his gaze through the mirror.

His eyes narrowed on me, lips tugging down into a deeper frown. "You know I can't kick her out, Alexandria."

"Yes, you can. You just don't want to."

"She's a prominent member of the pack. They're her family. I can't make her leave over some petty feud between the two of you," he practically snarled at me, completely unable to understand why I was so angry.

"Then we have nothing to talk about." I shrugged, turning away from him again as I braided my hair, my hands running through the silky brown locks.

Livius growled at me, not liking my attitude, but I simply continued on. What the fuck was he going to do to me? He couldn't get rid of me, and he wouldn't just toss me into a cell or some shit, especially seeing as to how he was trying so hard to get back into my good graces.

I watched out of the corner of my eye as he tiredly pinched the bridge of his nose, attempting to calm down. "You never mentioned having allergies," he stated, changing the subject.

Finishing up my braid, I simply shrugged again in response to his words, and stood up to look at him. "I didn't think you'd ever get me flowers in winter."

"Do you like them?"

My eyes drifted over towards the expensive assortment of flowers resting in a large vase on my bedside table. They were beautiful, I wasn't going to lie, and now that I looked at them with my dulled senses, I could finally appreciate them.

Stepping over towards Livius, his eyes twinkled suspiciously as I flashed him the brightest smile I could muster, my hands coming up to rest on his chest as I leaned towards him. "Thank you."

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