"Fuck off, Sinclair," Lena growled.

"No need to get so feisty, I've got the perfect distraction for you," the girl chuckled, holding out her hand and giving her a look, "Want to see what's got Devlin intrigued?"

Lena hesitated, she knew if she got herself involved with Veronica's mischievous ways again, there would likely be consequences, but she could not bring herself to think about them.

She welcomed any distraction that could get her mind off of Kara, and alcohol was definitely not a strong candidate anymore.

She took Veronica's hand and was led away.

"Kara," Lucy called out.


"You called me, asked me if we could have girl time at Noonan's tonight," she stated, looking out the windows into the darkening night, watching as the last of the day's light was swallowed up into the void, droplets of rain and dew dripping onto the panels.

Her lips morphed into a wry smile, "You're picking at your food. Not to mention there are sticky buns, potstickers, and chocolate pecan pie on it. So, what's up?"

The blonde set her fork down and sighed, burying her head in her hands, "It's Lena."

"What'd she do? Hah! Convenient. Right as I was warming up to her. I swear if she did anything I'll literally gut out her nonexistent heart and feed it to-"

"Lucy!" Kara warned, glowering at her friend.

The brunette lifted her arms up as if to surrender, "Sorry, I'll stop. So what happened?"

"I'm more upset about what she didn't do, or won't do in this case."


"Her mom, Lillian, I recently found out she was abusing Lena. Badly," she sighed.

"Those rumors are true then?" Lucy asked, her expression saddened, she felt pity for the poor girl.

Kara nodded somberly, flicking at the glass cup in her hand, futilely distracting herself with the echoing sound.

"How'd you find out?"

"I wasn't supposed to. She was in the locker rooms and these girls were ganging up on her and then one thing led to another and..." she huffed and her voice broke, "She has so many scars, Lucy. They're all over her body and I wish I could just...just unsee it."

Erase it.

The brunette frowned, "But it could be anyone doing that to her."

"No, I heard her say it, I really wish I didn't have super hearing sometimes."

"I don't get it, why're you upset with her and not Lillian?"

"I didn't say I wasn't angry at her mom."

"Okay, then what's going on between you and Lena then?"

"Lena won't turn in her mom, even after Maggie tried to talk to her, and I get why, I do, but I'm still...angry."

Kara's grip on the glass cup tightened and a fracture cracked its way from the lip and near the base.

"I understand where she's coming from too, cases of child abuse are pretty complex when the child doesn't want to be helped, or just wants to wait it out. A lot of them suffer from Stockholm syndrome and lash out when you offer any form of aid."

Kara's eyes narrowed, "God, I'm still just so, so angry, Lucy. I've never felt so intense. Everything about Lena's situation makes me hot and I just want to...explode."

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