Dina. Chapter 8.

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"they couldn't have tied up, who worth a hundred soldiers" Levi said with a frown as he looked around the messy room. 

"not everyone is a clean freak like you, humanity hope" Mikasa replied back and Armin sighed. 

"captain right, this place is a shit hole .. I thought eren old room was bad but makes me feel like I never see day light again" Armin frowned and step closer to mikasa. 

"your friends not wrong, dont a doctor make good money and he had his own doctor room downstairs, why did they let the place where they sleep turn into such a shit hole" Levi sighed and crossed his arms. 

"this is just their living room, their bedroom is in that door, the son room is next to their room and the bathroom is the last door if you need to go" Mikasa sighed and crossed her rooms. 

"you know the house well, just how many times have they asked for your help" Armin said with a small smile. 

"I lost count" mikasa said with her eyebrow lifted. 

"they asked for you to come and yet they are making us wait, if I have to wait in such a messy room for another minute we leaving" Levi hissed. 

"I agree" Armin said with worry and soon they heard steps coming up the stairs. 

"ah mikasa your here, I need you to go collect some money from thugs I was forced to help" Doctor jaeger asked as he reached the top of the stairs by froze when he saw the two boys. 

"hello, the name Levi but most call me humanity hope" Levi smirked as he saw Doctor jaeger freeze. 

"wow doctor, your looking good since your been missing for years ... we been so worried over you" Armin smiled sweetly. 

"Armin, captain Levi ... mikasa what is this" doctor jaeger asked with worry. 

"they wanted to come along" Mikasa sighed. 

"we didnt agree with you telling others, do you want eren to know the truth" doctor jaeger hissed. 

"you mean about how you cheated on your first wife for a mistress, how you didnt cry over his mother death but instead married another and had another son with this women ... you know I wonder who truly be the talk of the town" Armin grinned. 

"you see while you been ordering me around I overheard many things, how you never told anyone you had a wife or son, how you rip people of by telling them they still need your pills when the dont and how your new wife came from a rich family but left her home to be yours after you got her pregnant instead of you two having a son after being marries ... I did think the little boy was too tall for his age .... I pretty sure a fake would be the talk of the town" Mikasa said coldly making doctor jaeger shiver. 

"no one will believe you over me, I heard rumours too like your seen as a demon" doctor jaeger smirked. 

"I really hate pricks who mess with my pack and I really hate  jackass who think they stronger or smart then myself or my mates ..... who would the town really believe out of the humanity hope and mikasa who worth a hundred soldiers or a doctor who pop up from nowhere" Levi hissed and stood in front of Doctor jaeger.

"what do you want" Doctor jaeger asked with fear and soon his wife came walking up the stairs with their son. 

"oh hello mikasa, I'm glad you got our letter" Dina, his second wife asked with a grin. 

"mikasa" their son giggled and ran over to mikasa who patted his head since he was too big to carry. 

"hello zeke, your gotten even bigger but wanna help me out by playing in your room" Mikasa said in a soft voice. 

"play with me later mikasa" zeke smiled and ran to his room leaving the adults. 

"dont do anything stupid, I got powerful friends" doctor jaeger warned and Dina walked to her husband side.

"you mean the friends that I worked side by side long ago and helped them making them friends of mine or the people who also fear what mikasa can do since she already bought down a boss once" Levi asked making the two go pale with fear. 

"we tell the world how dangerous mikasa is, she be hated and fear" Dina yelled with worry. 

"you dont notice much do you, every soldier and member who lives in the walls fear mikasa and see her as a demon .. they just laugh at you both" Armin grinned. 

"eren would be laughed at, other soldiers would laugh at him and turn his life into hell" Dina said with a smirk. 

"you really wanna try hurting my friend becuase I'm sure no one would notice an town folk getting eating by a titan in the night" Mikasa warned making Dina step back. 

"mikasa wont be helping you two ever again and if you try using blackmail again then lets say I have a friend who keeps titan that needs to be fed at night" Levi said with eyes full of joy. 

"it was nice seeing you again but I hope I never have to see you again" Armin said with a kind smile and the three started walking down the steps but froze when they saw eren standing frozen on the steps, they could guess he heard it all. 

"shit" Levi hissed.

"you dont need to see this, keep the happy memories of your father" Mikasa said with a frown and covered eren eyes with her hand before lifting him over her shoulder and carried him down the steps. 

"thank you" eren said as tears fell and mikasa patted his back before focusing on carrying him. 

"I'm sorry eren" Armin said with a sadden smile and the three just heard as eren cried the rest of the way home. 


"Armin take him back to your cabin and let him rest" Levi said with a frown as Eren finally stopped crying but he was still broken. 

"sure I see you both later, come one eren" Armin said with  a small smile. 

"why dont we go for a drink instead of training tonight" Mikasa smiled.

"sounds good to me, make sure you and your friend is ready by 6" Levi smiled and started walking away. 

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