Hidden Glance. Chapter 2.

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Soon the time came to pick what army everyone was going to pick. The Survey Corps was the first and everyone stood at ease before saluting the commander and captains as they walked on stage. "at ease" Ewrin ordered and every soldier did so.

As Erwin did his long and powerful speach Levi leaned on the wall by the stairs that lead to the stage. As a captain he should be on stage but he wanted to have a good look at the soldiers and so he was leaning on the wall looking like a soldier who was slacking off while waiting for the speach to end before going back to camp. He looked at all the soldiers faces and he could tell that more then half faced titans already, he could see fear in everyone eyes well apart from one. 


He watched as she listened with her non emiton face and cold dead eyes. He watched as everyone around her stood had an extra step between them, making her stand all alone but she didnt care. He knew she was use to being alone and she was use to death. Levi wont lie, she caught his attenion fast. Her pale skin, her silky short hair that had a couple stands lay on her face over her beautiful empty grey eyes. Her pinkish lips that seemed like the softes thing on earth and her long eyelashes. Her body was slim but built. He could tell she worked out and could win a fight alone but her body still kept that perfect shape every girl wished for. The old red scarf that hang around her necx what he knew she looked after well  made her stand out more but at the same time kept her hidden. Her calmness didnt hid her dangerous vibe around her and the air around her seemed terrifying yet he still wanted to stand by her. 

Levi quickly looked away when she glaced at him and looked him over like she was wondering who be intrested in looking her over. Levi breath was taken away as their eyes met but she soon looked away with a care as erwin finished his speach. Levi wondered how many of the soldiers would Join, he was hoping for a better number then normal since this class has faced titans and know how horrible a titan really is. He hoped more would want to fight back against the titans and when the commander dismissed all thoes who didnt want to join, Levi was left surpised. 

It was still a small number but a good number at the same time. Around 15% stayed, some were crying while other shook it fear but they stayed knowing they cant unsee what the titans did. He glanced at mikasa once more to see her standing at ease not showing any kind of emotion well until Levi saw it. She smiled as commander welcomed them to the Suervey corps. Levi hated to say it but he finally found someoen who caught his eye for once. He wanted to know this girl more.

As the morning came Levi acted like a normal soldier as the newbies all climbed onto their horses ready to ride to the Suervy corps camp. Levi was riding on the left edge behind mikasa. Everyone was riding in a line of three and Levi wanted to keep watcher her but was trying to make it less obivous. They all started riding around town so familes could wish their sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, mother, farther and friends the best of luck and making silly promies and they rode pass. 

As they reached a small church that prayed to the walls, Levi heard a leader trip and listen to other soldiers talk about if they should stop and help or not. Levi didnt care if they stopped and went to help since no other high rank would see and he didnt care them stopping to help someone with a high rank inside the walls since it might help them. He notice mikasa stop and the two that kept three feet distance between their horses with her stopped as well. 

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