Gossip. Chapter 6.

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"she did what" Hanji yelled with excitement as the captains and Erwin sat in the meeting room.

"mikasa Ackerman, wrapped his leg like it was the most important thing ever and kissed who wound" Moblit said with a grin as he stood by the door. 

"how the hell do you even know about that, shouldn't you have been with hanji" Levi hissed with his arms crossed as he sat at the end of the table. 

"i sent him to go scout the area around us for soldiers and he return with some good gossip" Erwin grinned proudly, like sending Moblit off was the best order he ever gave. 

"isn't mikasa the one everyone nicknamed worth a hundred soldiers and the one he trains with" Mike asked making hanji grin more while Moblit nods. 

"so when the wedding" Erwin joked and Levi just glared at him. 

"so what she like, how you feeling, you guys dating yet, what about kiss on the lips or more" Hanji kept asking excited and Levi stopped listening to her. 

"hanji you should be more worried about how hard he fallen" moblit smiled and Levi glared at him making him shiver. 

"fuck you all, i got better places to be then listen to this shit" Levi hissed and walked to the door. 

"yeah like being with your girlfriend, let me know if you need the spare room" Mike smirked and Levi slammed the door shut why the others laughed. 


"Armin" Mikasa sighed as the blonde boy been sitting on her bed just smirking since they returned yesterday evening. 

"so is it love i see" Armin giggled and Mikasa turned to him while placed her book down on the side table. 

"is it your grave i see" Mikasa replied making Armin pout. 

"come on mikasa, you wouldn't just kiss his leg injury just cause i told you so" Armin smiled and mikasa crossed her legs on her bed like he was doing. 

"i dont know why i did it, my body just moved" Mikasa said with a frown and rested her head on her hand. 

"i see, well what do you think of the captain .. like wanna marry him or date him or have his babies" Armin asked way to excited then he should be. 

"your loving this, aren't you" Mikasa asked and Armin nodded with  a grin. 

"who wouldn't love this, mikasa its god dame Levi Ackerman, he humanity hope for god shake and you kissed his leg" Armin squealed like a school girl. 

"if you love him so much then why dont you have his babies" Mikasa smirked making Armin pout. 

"he way too scary to be my type and i love the smart ones" Armin smiled proudly.

"like captain Hanji who you stare at non stop during our class with her" Mikasa asked with bright eyes as Armin grin turns into shock. 

"you noticed me staring" Armin asked shocked. 

"i think everyone has, even the titans but dont worry" Mikasa said patting his arm.

"why, you think she like someone younger" Armin asked with hope. 

"just become a titan or moblit and she date you" Mikasa grinned and stood up as he pouted. 

"wait she dating Moblit" Armin half yelled and went to stand up but fell of mikasa bed hitting the floor. 

"no she just tease him and kiss him on camp as friendship" Levi sighed as he stood by the door making them all jump. 

"captain" everyone but mikasa called and saluted. Mikasa was holding Armin arm and helping him off the ground. 

"how the leg, need another kiss cause mikasa wont mind" Armin grinned but stopped when Mikasa leg of his arm making him fall to the floor again. 

"ow" Armin whimper and slowly stood up. 

"why dont you join us for some extra training brat" Levi growled and Armin shivered. 

"I'm good captain, i think i go read a book about how no one kiss anyone leg yesterday" Armin awkwardly smile and walked over to his bed. 

"can i help, i thought training was cancelled since your leg still healing" Mikasa asked. 

"the other higher ups were being annoying so i thought i come watch you train and help see where you need to improve" Levi said in a soft voice and Armin just grinned. 

"lose it or i tell hanji about your dairy" Mikasa warned since she knew Armin was grinned. 

"got it" Armin yelp back. 

"lets go" Levi sighed and started walking to the door while mikasa grabbed her gloves. 

"dont stay up" Mikasa told Armin as she knew he keep reading a book till she returns. 

"be back before lights out or rumours will spread" Armin warned and mikasa nodded before walking out the door. 

"wait are captain and mikasa a thing" Connie asked as everyone turned to Armin. 

"nope, they just train together since everyone else is too scared to fight them" Armin smiled and put his book down. 

"i dont blame them, Mikasa is a demon and scary enough alone but Levi just like her but has a higher rank making him scary .. i wont want to fight with either one" Sasha said with worry. 

"wouldn't captain get in trouble for training with a newbie so much, if an outsider sees them .. they might start rumours saying he giving her extra attention or saying mikasa use her body to gain control over higher ranks" Marco said with a worry and everyone turned to him. 

"they train by the old tree near out cabin becuase no one goes pass it unless its us returning to our cabin, only someone who comes near our cabin on popups and walks over to them would notice its mikasa and Levi" Armin sighed. 

"lets make sure not to invite anyone over to our cabin anytime soon but wont Levi rank be more in danger if they seen since she known as the demon" Jean said with a frown. 

"who knows but lets just make sure no one wonders to our cabin or finds out where the two train, we could be pulled into the mess as well" Eren said with worry and they all nodded. 

"oh shoot, i forgot to pass mikasa her letter that came" Armin said with worry and picked the letter by his bed before running out the cabin to where the two trained. 

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