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"I can't do this anymore. I'm fed up of my life. Me and him cannot be together. We're two people born and bought up in different world and this relation cannot unite us. Please help me. I can't suffer." Swara pleaded hugging her elder sister Jaya.

"I met my husband on the day of my marriage and now I can bet I'm the happiest woman in the whole world. You know Maharaja Sanskar before-"

"This is the problem.I wanted a commoner. I don't want this Maharaja and see even you're addressing him as like he's your elder. I hate my life and this relation" Swara looked at the mirror and held her mangalsutra in her hand.

"Okay. Listen to me carefully. Just remove this thought from your mind that he's your cousin,he's your childhood enemy and he's the Kong of this country. Close your eyes and then open, your view about everything will be changed. Trust me" Jaya said holding Swara's hand.

"This mangalsutra is much more than you think. When you accept him by your heart,you can feel him when you touch this sacred thread" Jaya added

"Have you both consumatted your marriage" Jaya's blunt question made Swara's cheek red who nodded no.

"Past two days we haven't seen each other actually and even if we met we'll fight" Replied Swara

"Does he has mistress" Swara's heart skipped a beat. She felt uneasiness. She looked scared.

"I will kill him" Swara said sadly.

"You know right, you can't do anything if he wishes to have one" Jaya asked and Swara looked down.

"It's your job, not to even let him think about it. It's in your hands" Jaya said.


Sanskar wore his Kurta and pyjama and laid on the bed next to his wife.

"Do you have mistresses?" She asked playing with her bangles.

The question made Sanskar to look at her weirdly. Slowly a smirk came onto his face.

"Why are you suddenly so interested in my personal life" He asked turning to her side.

"I'm your wife" She said and closed her eyes not wanting to meet him. The candle light on her bedside made him to look at her beautiful face he admired.

"Day before yesterday you were mad at me and now you're suddenly saying you are my wife" He said sarcastically and she rolled her eyes.

"I asked a simple question. If it's yes say yes, if it's no say no" She said glaring at him.

"I'm the king of this country and I can have mistress" He said moving closer to her.

"Does that mean you've?" She asked with unknown tears forming in her big eyes.

"You're strong but not strong right" He said huskily in her ears and she shivered holding her duvet.

"I hate you" She mumbled and he looked at her for a moment before bursting laughing.

"I can remove my mistress if you became my wife in all senses" He whispered playing with her hairs and she pushed him.

"No thanks" She said and turned to sleep on the other side.

It's in your hands

It's in your hands

It's in your hands

It's in your hands

Arggghhhhh. She turned towards him who was hiding his laugh.

"If I became your wife you'll stop seeing your mistresses" She ask and he nodded


"A king never break his promise. Promise"

"Okay" She said doubt fully

"Okay" He whispered kissing her cheeks. Her face was red because of his close proximity and she slowly she let him to be her husband in all the senses.

"Tomorrow I'm going to the streets changing my identity" Sanskar said holding her close.

"Oh. Who are you gonna be?" She asked keeping her hand on his naked chest.

"A cobbler"

"It would suit you. Really. Cobbler" She laughed and even his glare couldn't stop her laughter.

"I've something to stop your laugh" He said with smirk


"I didn't had any mistresses"

v o t e

c o m m e n t

s h a r e

t h a n k   y o u

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