Searched and Destroyed

Start from the beginning

Oobleck: As you've been informed, the southeast area has been marked as a recent hotspot for grimm activity. Now there are several possible explanations for this behavior being... grimm.

The team all turns to each other in confusion and I look behind us.

Ruby: Um... what?

I point to a beowolf.

(Y/N): That one?

Oobleck: Mr (L/N) is correct. A creature of grimm approximately 100 yards from us at this very moment.

The rest of the team turns around.

Weiss: What!?

We all draw our weapons and point it at the grimm until Doctor Oobleck stops us.

Oobleck: Stop.

Blake: Huh?

Oobleck: There are a number of reasons why grimm have congregated in this particular area. The most likely of which will be their attraction to negativity, sadness, envy, loneliness, hatred. All qualities that are likely held by a group harboring ill intent.

Ruby: So, uh... what do we do now?

(Y/N): [Wait ten more seconds.]

Oobleck: We wait, we track, if the specimen leads us to it's pack. That pack may subsequently lead us to our prey.

Yang: How long do we wait?

Oobleck: It is uncertain. Hours, days weeks,

(Y/N): 4...3...2...

Oobleck: Why, lone grimm have been known to stay isolated from the pack for months and... there's the whole pack.

Sure enough, the rest of the beowolves follow the first one out from behind the building.

Weiss: What?

Oobleck: And now they've seen us.

Weiss: What!?


Ruby: I take it tracking is out of the question?

Oobleck: An accurate assumption, yes.

Yang: What's the plan then?

The beowolves start running toward us and I point my hand cannons at them.

Oobleck: Show me what you're capable of.

(POV: 3rd)

Ruby slams the end of her scythe into the ground and aims at the grimm.

Ruby: Cover your ears Zwei!

Yang runs toward the enemy and you follow closely. She punches a beowolf in the head while you stop a few feet in front of another two beowolves and shoot them each about 4 times before slashing them with your blades. Meanwhile, Blake activates her semblance and jumps upward, causing a grimm to slash at her shadow clone while she slashes it in half. She uppercuts another grimm and dashes forward, slicing it in half like last time. She frontflips and halves another grimm before taking a small rest.

Weiss uses some gravity dust to dash forward and knock over a line of her enemies like bowling pins. Ruby is firing shots repeatedly at her targets, hitting a few of them before rushing towards the last one with her scythe. She slices it in half instantly. And you all regroup in front of the Doctor.

Ruby: Heh. Piece of cake.

(Y/N): Hmm, I could use some cake.

Oobleck: Do not celebrate yet. For I'm certain this is the first bought of many. Shall we continue?

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