Ansh and Anya entered the premises of Kapoor mansion, laughing only to stop dead on their tracks on coming under the death stare of one Ishana Kapoor.

"Where were you two?? no news from any of you, no calls answered, gosh I aged more than decades in just one night, calling both of you yet none of you thought of informing me of your whereabouts, god I was sick to death worrying about both of you. Now, why both of you're standing quietly and wait..a min, Anya what are you doing with a child??" Ishana's angry rant halted when she clearly saw Anya and Ansh standing looking like children caught during some mischief as they whispered oops to each other and the child in Anya's arm made the scene more peculiar

"Now will you both answer me or keep on looking at each other??" Ishana questioned back still so worried for both of them as anger seeped through her tone along with worry 

"oops, sorry ma my phone was on silent and then with the fire in orphanage, I totally forgot informing you" Ansh spoke with a solemn guilty face as Ishana gasped with fright

"The orphanage was on fire, Are you both alright?? Are the children alright?? Everyone is fine right?? Why didn't you inform us?? Ansh everyone is fine right?? the children nothing happened to them right??" Ishana's voice was full of pain and disbelief and horror as she questioned her son palming his face searching any sign of harm on him

"Everyone is fine, ma. We got it handled before any serious damage could have been done. The children are shifted to dad's old farm house . I hope he doesn't mind I didn't inform him prior" Ansh spoke assuring his distraught mother

"And I was with him ma, in the hospital with the kids and to answer your previous question I...I watched this little girl being rescued from the flames and I was with her in the hospital, caring for her and I...I just couldn't let her go, so I decided to adopt her and even Vi is fine with this decision" Anya told Ishana with a voice thick on emotions and added the last line as an afterthought.

"come here my child, I'm not against your this decision love. I'm so proud of you and even if Viaan would have been against this decision. I would have supported you and scolded him till he saw sense. I'm so happy with you. So, what's my grandchild is called??" Ishana questioned her with a soft smile playing on her lips as she kissed Anya's crown and continued side hugging both the twins 

"Sisira" Anya said with so much tenderness in her tone that it made Ishana grin at the new mother

"Winter, any special reason behind this name??" Ishana questioned her with curiousness clear in her tone

"her birth mother gave her this name and I didn't have the heart to change it" Ansh didn't think the smile on his mother's face could widen but hearing Anya's words it did 

"It's a beautiful name, now you both must be starving I don't think you remember eating. So, go freshen up and I'll ask the kitchen staff to make something for you both" Ishana ordered both of them as they looked at each other with a knowing smile.

"But Ma I needed to talk to Vi and show him this angel" Anya stated with a frown

"Vi isn't running away anywhere dear and I'll hold this angel until you freshen up and eat after that talk to your Viaan all you want, alright and before you make the clothes excuse, I have some of your clothes in Panchi's room use them. Now, shoo get going both of you." Ishana dismissed the two just like that doting on the child in her arms as the child soaked in all the attention she was getting with a goofy grin and sparkling eyes 

"I think mom is already planning on pampering her to hell" Ansh whispered in Anya's ears as she reached Panchi's room in kapoor mansion

"As you're not going to follow her steps" Anya retorted back while rolling her eyes as Ansh laughed again moving towards his room and Anya entered Panchi's room with a smile on her face, suddenly even the dreaded events of past few hours couldn't make her feel down.

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