Chapter 10

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"Shemhamphorae? What the hell is a Shemhamphorae? And why the hell does it have such a long name?"

"A Shemhamphorae, in this sense, is a special gathering of only the most elite people of all three factions. It is said that all participants battle each other to the death, with their own creative styles and brutal ways of assassinatons. I don't exactly know what happens in a Shemhamphorae, but to gather people from all three factions, this inheritance must be extremely valuable.."

"Anyway, enough about that for now. Shall we have a drink for a bit, Ophis?"

"I appreciate the offer, but people might get the wrong idea when it comes to my appearan-"

"Ohoho! Surely you are just simply too afraid to take in the fine alcohol of this manor, hm?"

Although told rather lately, the sounds of our room's doors slamming open were heard, and in arrived an absolutely daunting figure. She had the aura of a woman that wasn't afraid to ruin a man's life- (and she really looks like the type to do so) but she also had the visage of one who was always so smug, always so precise. Maybe she was also skilled in magic?

"I had very high expectations of you, Ophis. But to be concerned with the thoughts of others regarding your appearance? Absolutely pitiful. Is the end of the world coming today, hmm?"

"Keep it down, Luvia, perhaps you'd want to experience the same destruction as I did to your family? Your own father had intended to provoke me, and I simply responded. I destroyed your home, killed the rest of your family, and only left you with one servant. If I hadn't even given you an inch of mercy, I would've given you the worst method of torture possible. Please don't do that again. I would've also stripped you of your title and nullified your magic circuits, basically the equivalent of you becoming an absolute vegetable."


And just like that, she immediately left the room, slamming the door shut. And I forgot to mention that old guy that was waiting behind her from outside the room. Perhaps that was the servant Ophis was talking about?

"Sheesh. What was that about, Ophis? That was so out-of-character for you."

"Don't push it, (Y/N). Even for someone like you, I'm still willing to destroy this place, you included."

"Yikes. Are you on your cycle, or something?"

Any other following remarks were swiftly interrupted as she started to stare into me with traumatizing eyes. The atmosphere had suddenly dropped to that of something I'd feel in a cemetery, and by God was I going to be put in a casket in separate parts.

".. I stand corrected."

"Good. Now, I'm going to head to bed. A dragon's got to have their beauty sleep, after all."

"I'm afraid you're going to have to postpone that for now, Miss Ophis. We're requesting for everyone's presence now in the main hall. We apologize for interrupting you."

Ophis could only growl in response, before begrudgingly nodding and standing up. Although no aura was visible, the glare in her eyes was really enough of a sign to say that she was absolutely ready to kill someone. Scary.

"Good. Please follow us, you two."

I can't really begin to describe who this person is, to be honest. She appears to be a woman in a maid uniform, striking some really attractive silver hair. She was also in a dignified posture, giving off the aura of a very elegant maid. She also appears to be giving off a suffocating atmosphere, perhaps she's hiding incredible power?

The three of us now stop walking, stopping at the destination of a rather large room, filled with other dignified and high-class members.. or participants.

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