Chapter 5

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Phew, that was a bit tiring. I gotta rest now.

I enter my bedroom, and plop down onto my bed, falling asleep instantly.

I awake in a new world. The sky was yellow, and there was a giant tree in front of me.
As I walk around this entire tree, a tune starts playing - a tune I remember all so well.

A large wall appears to the right of me, it has a drawing of people with elongated ears- the elves - holding bows.

I hear a familiar female voice - a voice I knew all too well.

The drawings start moving, to my surprise.

We notch our bows and wait for the 'morrow,
Cold is the night, and nary the tear,
For on the morn', we head into shadow,
For there is no room for our fear.

The drawings shift into that of a black dragon, scales as dark as the night, eyes as red as blood, and claws as sharp as swords.

His eyes are cruel, his evil is endless,
Black is his soul and ne'er will he rest,
Till all the world lies covered in darkness, and none who'd fight him are left.

The drawings shift that into of the elves, shooting their arrows at the dragon, though it looks like it is barely affected.

Tha'nera, Telezia,
Fly straight and true, o my Arrow,
The day of destiny comes,
I'll follow the path only fate knows.

The drawings then shift into that of even more elves, fighting against Orcs - it appears that they are winning.

Tha'nera, Telezia,
Forwards to glory, my sisters,
Today our hearts beat as one,
When hope is the faintest of whispers.

I look back at the tree - it appears the leaves are dying, the fruits are rotting, yet the voice continues singing.

Our songs of fire, our footfalls of thunder,
On we will go, this army of light,
Though peril's storm may tear us asunder,
For our home we will fight.

A new wall appears. Though this time, it contains a drawing of two dragons, one being gold, and the other being silver. I see there are two individual beside them - their hair color being the same as the dragons.

Geraint, the Gold. Argenta, the Silver,
Though cloaked from our sight, they're saviors to all,
When all seemed lost, and blood ran in rivers,
Down the Black Dragon did fall.

The drawing transforms into what appears to be the elves celebrating near a giant tree - the tree that I am currently standing next to right now.

Tha'nera, Telezia,
Fly straight and true, o my arrow,
The day of destiny comes,
I'll follow the path only fate knows.

The place changes into that of a dungeon, I spot an group of elves killing a Minotaur, also turning into sand themselves after.

Tha'nera, Telezia
Forwards to glory, my sisters,
Today our hearts beat as one,
When hope is the faintest of whispers.

The place changes that into of a large town, brimming with people. There's a large statue of a female in the middle, seemingly as if reaching the heavens.

Suddenly, the sky turns red and monsters appear to attack the citizens and shopkeepers.

O'hark, young ones, the battle yet rages,
Take up your bows, there's no time for words,
Go make your mark in history's pages,
Let songs of your bravery be heard.

A man appears with a seemingly large sword. He had blonde hair, wearing a white top and blue baggy shorts. He charges at one of the monsters and slashes at it, seemingly killing it with one hit.

A new person appears - she also has blonde hair, and is wearing a green top. She has elvish ears and is carrying a short bow. She runs up to one of the monsters and kicks them up into the air, then she proceeds to barrage them with multiple arrows to the chest.

Tha'nera, Telezia,
Fly straight and true, o my arrow,
The day of destiny comes,
I'll follow the path only fate knows.

The sky turns normal again, and I see the citizens celebrating the two heroes.

Tha'nera, Telezia,
Forwards to glory, my sisters,
Today our hearts beat as one,
When hope is the faintest of whispers.

Suddenly, everything fades into black, the citizens disappear and the atmosphere becomes quiet.

I'm finally waking up.


My eyes burst open as I sit up, panting heavily while sweating bullets. I walk over to the bathroom to wash myself. Once I'm done, I go to the living room. Strange, I can't seem to find Ophis anywhere.

While I'm trying to find Ophis, I spot a bow.
I pick it up. It has a blue color, along with the word "Telezia" being engraved on it.

Suddenly my head started hurting. Her smile, her comforting words, her singing.


I miss her...

I miss you.

I miss you, Mother.


I can't believe it.

You're gone, just like the rest of my family.

I miss everyone.

I miss you and my sister the most.

I'm sorry. I'll avenge you all.

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