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(Y/N) - Your name
(L/N) - Last name
(D/N) - Dragon Name
(N/N) - Nickname
(S/N) - Sister's Name


Where... Where am I? Am I dreaming?

I'm in this weird space thingy.. Oh God, did I get sent into space?!

Panicking, I start thrashing around. I notice it really does feel like zero gravity here, which fuels my panic even more.

I hear a loud shriek, which forces me to cover my ears. A... Dragon is heading towards me? Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! Focus, (Y/N)! Do some cool trick to scare him away!

"Abracadabra!" I shouted with my hand forward. The dragon doesn't seem amused by this. I try harder.

"Nevada kadavra!" I shouted even louder. It appears the dragon didn't even flinch. I give up.

"Are you done now?" It asked. I nod and he gets ready to say something.

"Your name is (Y/N), right?" It asked. I'm surprised. I thought it would've assumed my name was Steve or something. Regardless, I nod.

"That's great. I'm a dragon, and you're my partner. Nice to meet ya, (Y/N)." I gain a look of surprise. A dragon, as my partner?! Sounds awesome!

"So, you have a name or something?" I asked. He never really told me it for some reason.

"Nah, but you can call me anything."

"Well, can I call you Bob?"

"Please don't." It said with pleading eyes.

"Alright, fine. I'll call you (D/N)."

"That's better."

"So, you a boy or a girl?"

"I dunno, you decide."

"Okay, you're a boy then."


"So like, am I gonna wake up soon?" I asked worried.

"Oh, yeah. Give it a couple minutes."

"Also, you talk really casual for a dragon, shouldn't you be a bit more formal, or something?" I ask. He sounds like someone you could be best buds with.

"I dunno, I just feel more comfortable this way. Maybe I'm not used to classy or formal stuff."

"That's fair."

Suddenly, everything around me starts disappearing. Guess I'm waking up.

"Talk to ya later, (D/N)."

"Yeah, sure, I guess."

Eventually, I disappear as well.

"BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!" The alarm clock shouted.

Groaning, I turn off the alarm clock. God, I hate Mondays.

I get up and go to the bathroom to brush my teeth. God damn it, class. Always forcing me to get up from my bed. I should really just switch to online education or something.

Well, I'm in uniform and I've already ate breakfast, time to go to hel- I mean school.

I lock the door and leave. I spot Issei waiting for me. I always see that weird pendant on his neck ever since I met him.

"Yo, (Y/N)." He waved.

"Hey, Issei." I wave back.

"Wanna walk together?" He asked.

"Yeah, sure. Though let's split up once we're near the school gates."

He shrugged, "Sounds fair." Then he walked with me.

After that, the walk was an uneventful one. We eventually split up and waved each other off the moment the school gates was in sight.

I enter school grounds and change into another pair of shoes. After that, I head straight to class.

I enter the classroom and head straight for the seat in the back right next to the window. 'Cause when will protagonists ever stop sitting next to the window, right?

The teacher eventually appeared. He then starts the class with roll call, after that, it's the same old same old.

'This is boring,' I thought. Maybe I'll just draw.

Reaching into my bag, I pull out an MP5- I mean sketchbook. I then start to draw.

Eventually, the teacher spotted me NOT taking notes.

"Mr (L/N)! Are you listening?" He shouted.

"I dunno, probably? I already know this one." I shrug and yawn.

He let out a low growl.

"I better expect an essay on this after class."

I shrug. I'm already used to writing essays for this asshole. I should be done in 10 minutes.

After that, the other classes were all uneventful, and it's time for lunch.

Grabbing my bento, I head outside and under a tree. I open it and smell the delicious goodness that is my food.

As I was eating, Issei walks to me with his own bento and sits down next to me."

"Sup, man," He greeted.

"Yo, dude," I said back.

While we were eating, Issei catches sight of someone by the window. He taps my back and points to the person. Ah, it's just Rias Gremory, nothing too special.

"Yeah, dude?" I asked.

"It's Rias Gremory!" He said excitedly with a look of lust in his eyes. Strangely, the pendant he's wearing started glowing. Huh, weird.

"And? Dude, I don't have time for this." I said irritated.

I look at Rias and wave her off. She went wide-eyed and left.

Good, now I can eat in peace.


Welp, I turned in that damned essay and left, but not before changing my shoes, of course. I leave school. Huh, Issei didn't come with me. Weird. Oh well, I'll go alone, I guess.

I walk home, finally relieved that the day is over.

-Ophis POV-

So, is he the one? I can sense that familiar energy inside him. I guess I've found him, though I must wait for the perfect opportunity to show myself. I'll see you again, My Mate.

I disappear, yet still watch from the shadows.

My Mate [Ophis x Male Reader]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat