Chapter 13: Call From Practice (Bella) Part 4

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* No Pov *

Liam: Natalie your bubble bath is ready.

Natalie: Okay,daddy.

Liam: After Natalie,gets out of the bath tub you have to get in next Nick.

Nick: Okay daddy.

Bella: What about me?

Liam: After Nick gets out of the he bath tub you are going to get in and I am going clean you up okay princess.

Bella: Okay daddy.

Natalie: Daddy,I am finished.

Liam: Okay pumpkin.

Natalie: Daddy, can you help me pick a pair of pajamas please?

Liam: Sure.

Natalie: Yay!

Liam: Come On Pumpkin.

Natalie: okay.

Liam: Your hair is still wet,Pumpkin I will handle that...after we pick a pair of pajamas.

Natalie: Okay.

~ In Natalie's Bedroom ~

Liam: Do you want to wear your pajamas that say gorgeous on them or do you want to wear your Frozen pajamas? You pick.

Natalie: The pajamas that say Gorgeous.

Liam: Okay.

Natalie: Daddy can you give me my barbie dolls please?

Liam: Sure, sweetie. * Hands Natalie Her Dolls *

Liam: Sweetie, after I blow dry and braid you hair I am gonna clean your covers and bed and put fresh sheets on you bed okay Pumpkin?

Natalie: Okay.

Liam: I am going to blow dry your hair in my bedroom okay.

Natalie: Okay.

~In Liam And Harry's Bedroom ~

Liam: Sweetie take a seat in the chair so I can do your hair.

Natalie: Okay. * does what her daddy says *

Liam: Good girl. * Starts to blow dry his daughters hair *


Liam: There, all dry. * Turns Off The Blow Dryer *

Natalie: I want to lay down. * Rubs Her Sick Stomach *

Liam: Your stomach hurts pumpkin.

Natalie: Yeah. * Sigh *

Liam: Let me finish your hair pumpkin.

Natalie: Okay.


Liam: All done pumpkin.

Natalie: Okay.

Liam: Natalie, you can lay on me and Papa's bed until I clean your bed and floor okay.

Natalie: Okay.

Liam: Here you go you can lay on Papa's side of the bed okay. * picks Natalie up and puts her on harry's side of the bed *

Natalie: Okay. *Yawns *

Liam: Are you comfortable pumpkin?

Natalie: Yes. *Falls Fast To Sleep *

Liam: Good.

Natalie: Hmmm. * lays on her Sick Stomach*

Liam: Let me start cleaning up her bedroom. * Smiles at Natalie and leaves the room quietly *

~ In Natalie's Bedroom Again ~

Liam: Let me strip Natalie's bed and put her sheets in the washer. * takes off the filthy covers off natalie's Bed *

Liam: I will do her laundry as well. * Takes His Daughters Laundry And Sheets Downstairs Where The Washer And Dryer Is *

Bella: Daddy! * Starts Crying Again *

Liam: Yes, princess.

Bella: I need you.

Liam: Coming. * comes out of natalie's room *

Bella: Daddy.

Liam: Bella, sweetie what happened?

Bella: I threw up again and had a little accident. *Still Crying *

Liam: Really?

Bella: Yeah.

Liam: Tell about the accident.

Bella: while you were busy in natalie's room cleaning, I felt nauseous and I needed the toilet but I let Nick get in the bathroom first before I got in and then I was going to throw up I tried to reach for the bucket but I wasn't successful and then I threw up all over the floor and Had diarrhea on myself. * continues to cry *

Liam: Bella,it is okay. * comforts his daughter *

Bella: I feel bad.

Liam: No need to feel bad,you are sick princess.

Bella: Okay.

~ Part 5 is next ~

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