Chapter 18: Call From Practice ( Bella) Part 9

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* No Pov's *

Bella: I wanna lay back down.

Harry: How about I lay you back down on the love seat.

Bella: Sure.

Marissa: Daddy, my stomach hurts.

Harry: Really sweetie?

Marissa: Yes.

Harry: How many pages do you have done for your essay?

Marissa: Two and a half pages done.

Harry: Really?

Marissa: Yeah.

Harry: Do you have a head ache?

Marissa: I am starting to get a small head ache.

Harry: I think you are getting the stomach flu now.

Marissa: Are you kidding me?

Harry: No, I am not kidding you... now up to bed Marissa.

Marissa: Okay. * walks upstairs to her bedroom with her laptop *

Liam: How long was I sleep?

Harry: For about two hours.

Liam: I was supposed to get Bella to cheer practice at 5:45pm.

Harry: It is almost 7:00pm.

Liam: Dang It.

~ Phone rings ~

Harry: Hello.

Bella's Coach: Hello, I am coach amanda and I am your daughters cheer coach.

Harry: Okay.

Coach Amanda: I just noticed that Bella wasn't at practice today, can you please explain to me why she isn't at practice. * in a stern voice *

Harry: I am so sorry that she isn't at practice...the reason way she isn't at practice is because Liam was supposed to take her but he fell asleep for two hours and Bella was throwing up constantly today.

Coach Amanda: Really?

Harry: Yes.

Coach Amanda: are you making excuses for her.

Harry: No.

Amanda: If you aren't than prove it.

Harry: Listen lady, Bella woke up this morning not feeling well...she was throwing up all day today, her stomach was hurting ,she felt nauseous, she had a head ache and a fever today which went up to 103.6ºF and she had diarrhea...she is sick with the freaking stomach flu and she feels work her to hard and it is effecting her body and immune system, yes I know that she made a commitment to be in the cheerleading squad I get that but the stress is too much on her,I understand that she has another cheer competition coming up but she really needs to take it easy...sorry if I am being rude but it really makes me sad that she is stressed and that she is upset sometimes... she really enjoys being on the squad and she loves the experience but right now she needs to rest...she feels awful and she hasn't really stopped throwing up she has be throwing up every 4 minutes and for five and a half hours...she really has the stomach flu bad right now...sorry for being rude to you but I am just worried about her.

Amanda: I accept your apology and please forgive me for coming at you in a completely wrong and unprofessional way but I am really stressed out about this cheer competition and I want the cheer team to do well.

Harry: I understand and I forgive you but I really think she needs to rest.

Amanda: I understand and thanks for forgiving me...Bella can have all the rest she needs because we need her to be strong and well rested for the competition so with that said I will leave you alone but when she gets better she needs to practice the cheer routine and be ready for the cheer competition.

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