Chapter 11: Call From Practice (Bella) Part 2

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* No Pov's *

Liam: Here we are, we are in the bathroom.

Bella: I don't want to throw up.

Liam: I know sweetheart.

Bella: Ouch. *gags*

Liam: I know honey.

Bella: I don't want to. * Gags *

Liam: Calm down sweetie.

Bella: I don't want to. * Gags *

Liam: Harry can you help me calm Bella down please?

Harry: Sure, just let me call my mom and tell her that I am going to be late for work.

Liam: Okay.

Bella: I don't want to. * Gags *

Liam: Calm down please.

~ Calls his Mum ~

Anne: Hello

Harry: Hello, Mum.

Anne: Harry, sweetie.

Harry: Yes.

Anne: How are you feeling?

Harry: I am feeling 100% better...glad that I am not sick anymore.

Anne: That's amazing.

Harry: Mum, I am going to be late coming into work today because I need to help Liam calm my daughter Bella down because she is freaking out about throwing up.

Anne: Okay, that is fine with me and thanks for calling in I actually understand what you are dealing with.

Harry: You're welcome and thanks for understanding.

Anne: Anytime...bye.

Harry: Bye.

~ The Line Goes Dead ~

Liam: Bella calm down.

Bella: I don't want to throw up.

Liam: I know you don't, but you will feel better after you throw up.

Harry: Bella, honey calm down and just let it out.

Bella: I don't want to throw up.

Liam: We understand.

Harry: Come on Bella, you can do it.

Liam: Come on you're going to be okay.

Bella: Okay. * Throws Up *

Harry: There you go.

Liam: It is okay.

Bella: I really don't like this. * Starts crying all over again *

Harry: Calm down.

Bella: Ugh. * Throws Up Some More *

Liam: There you go Bella.

Bella: This is awful. * throws up *

Harry: You are okay.

Bella: I want to stop. *throws up non-stop *

Liam: I know you do. * Comforts his pumpkin *

Harry: Liam I am going to check on Nick.

Liam: Thanks, Harry.

Harry: You are welcome.

Bella: I don't want to throw up anymore. * Throws Up Again *

~ In Nick's Bedroom ~

Harry: Hey, Nick.

Nick: Hey, Papa.

Harry: I wanted to check on you, how do you feel?

Nick: I feel like crap Papa. * Moans *

Harry: I understand. Did you throw up?

Nick: Yes. * Frowns *

Harry: Okay.

Nick: Where is daddy?

Harry: Daddy is downstairs with your sister Bella.

Nick: Really?

Harry: Yes, your sister Bella doesn't feel good today, she is throwing up.

Nick: My poor sister Bella. * Yawns *

Harry: Yes...go back to sleep Nick, Daddy will check on you when he is done with Bella...I Love You son. 

Nick: Okay, Papa, I Love You Too. * Goes Back To Sleep *

~ Back Downstairs ~

Liam: How is Nick?

Harry: Nick said he felt like crap still and he threw up again.

Liam: Oh my goodness.

Harry: How is Bella?

Liam: Bella is happy that she is done throwing up, she is still upset and shaken up from throwing up...she fell asleep when I picked her up and carried here to the living room. *Looks down at Bella and smiles at how cute she looks when she is sleeping *

Harry: I am going to head to work wow.

Liam: Okay.

Harry: Don't forget to call the school attendance office.

Liam: Okay, I won't forget.

Harry: See you after work. *Kisses Liam And Bella *

Liam: Okay, bye...have a wonderful day and don't forget your lunch.

Harry: Okay, I will and thanks for reminding me. * Grabs His Lunch From The Fridge *

Liam: Do you have everything including your travel mug?

Harry: Yes, I have everything.

Liam: Okay, Bye.

Harry: Bye.

Here is part 2...the next part will be posted tomorrow.

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~ Nichelle The Author

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