Sperm Donor

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Okay so me and my friend were joking around and we thought of this story thing.  We were laughing the whole time, but when i got home i wrote it down, and now im sharing our disturbing thoughts with you guys...None of this is real, i dont even know if this could work, but i dont care because it is COMPLETELY FICTIONAL. So Akwardly enjoy our crazyness :L  And please Vote and Comment, I love hearing from the outside world...

Harry styles was staying at the hampton hotel in west london.  Carmen found out this information and immediatly applied for a maid job at that hotel, so that she could go in Harry Styles room, in order to bigin her plan.  It was evil, and would ruin the teen pop sensation's carrer.

Once she made sure to get the job at the hotel she waited for Harry to exit his room so she could begin her quest.  harry Styles finally exited the hotel room, so Carmen rolled her cleaning cart over to his room and unclocked the door with her key card.  She picked up the tissues that were scattered around the bedroom floor.  After picking through the through the tissues till she found one with just enough to 'Get the job done' she carfully placed it in her apron and made her way to her cfar.

Carmen went straight to the clinic after leaving the hotel.  Once she met with the doctor she handed him the goopey folded tissue, smiling happily at her accomplishment.  The doctor didn't question her, but made a distured face when he realized what was making the tissue so heavy and gross looking.  He sent Carmen to get ready for the transportation.

Skip ahead approxtimitly 10 months, Carmen is seated on a big comfy chair on The Maury Show.  3, 2, 1, ACTION. "So we are here with Carmen, who says her one month old son's father is the famous super star Harry Styles."  Maury said looking into the camera.  Carmend nodded, a fake tear streamin gdown her face.  "We have th test results after Harry agreed to do a test, to prove he is not the father."  Another tear fell.  "Here he is the one and only Harry Styles!"  Maury stood up to greet Harry.  Carmen looked down, playing the victim.  "Now Harry, you say that this child cant be yours because you have never meet Carmen before in your life."  Harry nodded as a sob left Carmens lips.  "Carmen explain to us again what happened between you two."  Maury said pointing to Carmen and Harry.  "Well, I was at a party with my friends and Harry started flirting with me.  Anyways, One thing let to andother and the next thing I know im in his hotel rooom, naked while he is passed out cold."  Carmen takes a tissue and dabs her eyes.  "I found out i was pregnant a month later and now here we are."  She said still not looking at Harry.  "So he was drunk?"  Maury asked.  "Yes, completely wasted."  Carmen replied, followed by another soft sob.  "Well we've waited enought for this moment.  The results are in this envolop."  Maury said.  Carmen glanced over at Harry who didnt look at all nervous.  She eviley smiled to herself because she knew those results would change his life forever.  "Harry Edward Styles you are the father of Carmen's Sone."  Maury said a shocked expression on his face.  Carmen broke into another set of tears as Harry just sat their mough ajar, letting th information sink in.  He had a son.

After the show Harry confronted a teary eyed Carmen.  "Look, I know I dont remember any of...it, but i want you to know  that I...Respect you."  Carmen looked up at harry and nodded.  "So can I, uhm...like...see him?"  Harry asked akwardly.  Carmen nodded and signaled for him to follow her.  They walked down the narrow hall until they reached the second last door on the right.  Carmen slipped the key out of her pocket and slowly unlocked the door.  She walked into the room and over to a play pen in the corner of the dressing room.  Harry hesitated but followed Carmen.  She bent in the play pen and picked up the baby boy.  His baby boy.  Carmen looked from the one month old and up at Harry.  "Do you want to hold him?"  She asked slowly rocking back and forth.  Harry nodded eagerly.  Carmen slowly passed him over to Harry.  The baby squirmed but snuggled into harry's arms once harry had started swaying like Carmen.  Harry just stared down at the little boy in his arms.  After a couple minuets of comfotable silence, Harry finally spoke.  "What's his name?"  He asked looking up at Carmen, who was still starign at her son in awe.  She looked up at Harry.  "I wanted us to decide together, I've just been calling him baby harry since he was born."  She said smiling nervously.  Harry smiled. "Thank you."  He said looking back down at baby Harry.  "Well, you've known him the longest, I think its only fair you choose."  Harry said still looking at his son.  "I thought you might say that."  She said smiling to herself.  "So, i have four names and i cant seem to choose one.  They are all perfect."  She continued.  "Well I'll help you?"  Harry told her begining to bounce the baby a bit.  "Okay well thers Charlie, or Ethan, or Noah, or Joel."  She said looking at harry.  Harry's face lit up.  "I've always liked the name Ethan!"  harry said smiling.  "Well then its settled!  Hello Ethan Cameron Styles."  She said stepping closer and running her hand over Ethans soft brown hair.  "I love it."  Harry said quetly looking at Cameron.  She smiled looking at  her son.  "My mom's going to love him."  Harry said smiling at the thought of his mom.  She always wanted grandchildren.  "I know this situation isnt great, but it sure did make something Perfect."  Harry said looking at his son.  Carmen just smiled at her accomplishment.  The plan had worked Perfectly.

TEEHEE ohmygodiknow....Sorry bout that :)

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