"David, what she does, doesn't really matter to you, remember? According to you."

 "Fine! Yeah, it means nothing to me." David scowled. Jack rubbed his hand over his mouth before he told his brother he was an idiot because Jack knew what this felt like. "But what the fuck is going on?" David knew he was an idiot, and he could see in Jack' eyes, that Jack agreed with that sentiment. "She went with that guy. Some random guy!  She was at my place, and she didn't mention him. Didn't even tell me she would be there at that event?"

Jack stopped what he was doing and came closer, "Did you ask her about it? In any case, you didn't tell her that you would be at that event! Or were going with Elise."

David took a slug of beer and shook his head.

"You guys were talking, at least you seemed to be talking to each other." Jack glanced at David. David didn't say anything. "Amelia says you guys have history."

"Old history."

"Ok, so tell me!  I'll see if I can shed any light on the situation. You need advice!"

"Why?" David grimaced.

"Amelia said something happened over ten years ago."

"One event. Non event even."

"Ok." And Jack waited.

Eventually David said, "You remember I went to a training camp when I was first picked? And mum and dad came up."

Jack nodded. "Yeah. And I remember that. Mum and dad were called. Some problem or something, but they never said what exactly. They came back within a day and you were there for the rugby camp."

"Yeah. They came for the day, because they were asked." David rubbed his face with his palm, "Her father was manager of the squad."

It was the only rugby camp that David went to. "Oh, she's that Jones. I remembered you told me about that rugby camp. But to be honest, I hadn't taken any notice." Jack looked over at David, "Is that where you met her?" Jack brow furrowed.

David nodded. "There were always lots of women hanging around. Actually lots of guys watching too."

"So people came to watch training."

"Yeah, most, probably." David inhaled as he said, "One day Ella was down to watch."

"Ok, I would expect that, given her dad was the manager."

David said as red suffused his neck. Jack narrowed his eyes as he watched David. "I spoke to her after training every day that week." David said as his cheeks were flushed with red. "We hit it off."

"Ok, so far so good. So what put her offside?"

"I kissed her."

"I've got nothing to go on, but your kissing technique can't be that bad, can it?"

David ignored his brother ironic question. "If you are going to be an idiot, forget this conversation." He was ready to move away and started to slide off the counter top.

"Ok, ok. Sorry." Jack stopped David with a hand on his shoulder. "Sorry, bro." A second later, Jack prompted, "So you kissed her, and then what?"

"And we got caught." David told him, ignoring the baiting and the question, he stared into his beer.

"By her father?"

"The assistant coach."

Jack shrugged. "Does it matter? Either you liked kissing her..."

"Yes! But he told me she was a schoolgirl!"

"Ah. She was at school." Jack rubbed the back of his neck as he remembered that David was well passed school age. "What happened exactly?"

"The guy practically accused me of taking advantage of a school girl!"

"What? Is that why mum and dad were summoned?"


"What happened next?"

"Tama and John waded in. They said she was a groupie!"


 "That she'd hit on them last season. I was this season's effort. They gave the impression she made a habit of seducing guys."

"You believed that?" Jack scowled at David.

"She didn't say anything to contradict them." David grumbled half-heartedly.

"Ella? Dave, we are talking about Ella. The woman who would freeze the Sahara with one glance?" Jack shook his head. "Bloody hell. She's not a slut, David."

"I know."

Jack had lots of questions, but he opted for the obvious, "What happened? You weren't booted off the squad."

"I wasn't. There was a tribunal." He looked over at his brother. "I was so scared. I thought my career was down the tubes. They phone mum and dad. They told them they wanted to see them because there was an incident, and there might be a tribunal."

"You didn't tell me."

David snorted. "You expected me to tell you I was embarrassed?" David ran his fingers through his hair and left his hand clasped behind his head and looked straight at Jack. "Fucking embarrassed.  There was a bit in the newspaper, up there. Just the local newspaper. Thank goodness. But I thought I would be thrown off the camp. Disgraced."

"You didn't come back with mum and dad." Jack said quietly, "So obviously the tribunal found in your favour?"

"Yeah, they did. But I was so bloody ashamed."

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