Chapter 59- Peace

Start from the beginning

Michael leads me down the hallway to the bedroom closest to ours.

He turns to me with a small smile. "Can you close your eyes?"

"Okay, if I have to..."

"You have to," he smiles and so do I, as I close my eyes.

Michael opens the door and slowly guides me inside.

"Can I open my eyes now?"

"Yes, go ahead sweetheart."

I open them, and I'm standing in the middle of the nursery.

The walls are painted the perfect combination of yellow and a light shade of blue.

On the left wall, there are shelves that have plush teddy bears and bunnies, ducks and zebras, frogs, and many more animals.

On the opposite wall, there's artwork with ABC's and 123's. There are wide windows next to it, and a soft light comes through the room between the white blinds.

I turn around and see the white crib. It has light blue bedding and yellow pillows. Above it hangs a musical mobile.

In front of the window is a brown wooden rocking chair. I sit in it and look at it all, the whole room.

"Well, you've been awfully quiet," Michael teases.

I look over at him and he's gazing at me earnestly, like he's waiting for me to share my thoughts.

"I'm sorry, I'm just in absolute amazement. Baby, you did this by yourself?"

"Yes, I did. I'm so relieved you like it."

"I love it. But where did you find the time? I mean, between the medical treatments and your music, you still made time for this?"

"Sweetheart, as I've said a hundred and trillion times before, our baby is my priority. I don't make time for he or she. They are my time."

I smile as he walks over to me and lifts me up carefully, mindful of my healing leg and arm, and places me in his lap.

"A hundred and trillion?" I giggle. He swats me and smiles.

"What can I say? I'm charming, you love me."

"And you're full of yourself," I smile and tip his nose.

"Is that so bad?"

"Not at all, you're perfect." I say.

"I am not."

I nestle my head against his chest. "Yeah."

"If that floats your boat," he whispers while stroking my hair, "then fine."

"Do you still think we should go for the ultrasound?" I question him.

He pauses before answering. "No. Let it be a surprise."

I shoot my eyes up to him. "What?"

"What? You heard what I said baby. Let it be a surprise."

"But what happened to, I can't wait until we find out! You just suddenly gained patience?"

"Yes, I have. I've matured over time and I've realized-"

"Michael, that was only three weeks ago. Matured?"

He hushes me with a kiss before continuing. "I've realized that the whole pregnancy/first child experience will be much more worth it if we're surprised. When you give birth, and we don't know what to expect. I like the idea of that."

"So do I, I'm just shocked at your sudden change of heart."

He shrugs and kisses my ear. "Feelings change, I guess." I nod.

We stay there quietly for some time. If only our lives could be as peaceful as these few minutes.

I reach my toe down and feel the soft carpet under my feet.



"Oh. Thought you were asleep," I say with a small laugh.

"Nope, just enjoying your company, and the peace."

I kiss his cheek. "I love you."

He smiles and kisses my chin. "What time is it?"

I glance over at the analog clock on the wall. "Almost 6:00."

"Perfect," Michael sets me on the floor.

"Let's go," he says.

"Go where?"

All I get is a wink and he walks out of the nursery. I give it one last look before following after Michael, smiling.


Chapter 59




~Joy ✌️

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