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chapter eight: split up5001 words

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chapter eight: split up
5001 words

The only thing that broke the silence was a gunshot. It was just one, bouncing around in the woods, echoing off the trees. They all froze at the sound, eyeing each other as if they had the answer to just what it was. They waited in anxious silence for another gunshot but they were left with empty hands.

Needless to say, Lin and Lori were both worried. That was their family out there. Neither of them were stupid enough to think that Rick or Shane had chosen to shoot at a walker rather than take it down silently. It was just one shot and that made Lin scared. Lori had stopped again, looking back on the ground they'd already covered.

"Shouldn't they have caught up with us by now?" Carol asked. They should have. But right here, when they were how far away from where they thought the shot had come from, there wasn't anything they could do and Daryl didn't hesitate to tell them so.

"So what do we do?" Lori questioned Daryl.

"Same as we've been. Beat the bush for Sophia, work our way back to the highway."

"If worst comes to worst then they'll find us back at the rv. There's no use trying to get back only to get lost." Lin masked her worry to be strong for Lori. She directed her words at Lori as well, setting a hand on her bicep. Lori nodded and they began to walk again.

Andrea, however, had a different idea roused by the earlier law that Lori had laid down. "I'm sorry for what you're going through." It was to Carol. "I know how you feel."

"I suppose you do," Carol nodded, "Thank you." She paused and Lin could see by the way that her lip shook that she was close to crying again. "The thought of her out by herself." She shook her head. "It's the not knowing that's killing me. I just keep hoping and praying she doesn't wind up like Amy."

The moment Carol had said what she did, Andrea's face went slack. Carol knew her mistake as the woman across from her straightened up at the mention of her sister. It was still a sore subject, one that had been danced on until now.

"Oh god." Carl reached out to take Andrea's shoulders in her hands. Lin stole a glance at her sister. She'd been too afraid at the quarry, too scared that Lori had been one of the bitten like Jim or Amy. "That's the worst thing I ever said."

Andrea shook her head but she was still regaining her temper, trying not to snap right in Carol's face. "We're all hoping and praying with you. For what it's worth."

Daryl stomped over to the two women and Lin couldn't help but imagine a fight breaking out. One with flying blonde hair and crossbow bolts.

"I'll tell you what it's worth- not a damn thing. It's a waste of time all this hoping and praying." Lin felt her face flush with anger at him totally disregarding their feelings, except, he didn't. " 'cause we're gonna locate that little girl, and she's gonna be just fine."

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