43.)On Such a Breathless Night as This

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"I'll let you sleep...," I mumble as I roll out of bed, not wanting to bother her with my need for affection. I bend over her to place a kiss upon her brow, but she pulls away. She's just too tired.

There's a knock at the door once I've gotten down the steps and I peak out of the side window to see my mother and father standing on the door step.

"Welcome home, my dear boy!," mum engulfs me in her arms and finally, my body relaxes at the familiar safe haven. I just needed to be held. Just for a moment.

Dad gives me a hug too as they both walk inside. "I've brought something to contribute to dinner- your favorite dish!," A mixture of the homemade food sends an aroma of spices prickling my nose. She holds up a large plastic container and I try my best to smile at her as I lead the way to the kitchen.

I hear more voices enter into the house, as Roger walks into the kitchen proceeded by Rose and Emmy. I walk over to Rose and kiss her cheek before scooping my goddaughter from her arms.

"Emilia, darling! How you've grown!," I hold her close to me and press my head against hers while tickling her sides. Her giggles could tear me to pieces! Where on earth are my little beans!?

"Papi! You're home!," As if the winds of fate heard my thoughts, my little baby boy bounces into the room, quickly followed by the princess of my heart.

"Emmy! That's my Papi!," Charlie taps her foot impatiently waiting for me to place her cousin down from my arms.

Roger acts quickly and swoops the twins into his arms, spinning them around in circles. "Didja miss me you little precious twinies!?," They're laughter brings the biggest smile to my face. Good old uncle Rog.

I shake my head and kiss Emmys cheek before placing her down on her feet. "Come here my darlings! Oof!," I'm shocked at the tackle that Richie lays into me as he smashes into my chest. Charlie nestles herself into my other arm.

Closing my eyes I savor the moment of finally having my babies in my arms again. I don't care if two weeks is nothing to some people, to a parents it's a lifetime apart!

"Hi, Freddie! Welcome back!," Ceci chimes as she walks into the kitchen, toting a large tray of fresh fruit slices. "I've picked this up, I hope it's alright," I move to sit at the kitchen table, keeping my babies on each knee.

"Of course it is, dear! Thank you," She sets the tray down on the counter and mum works to quickly unravel the packaging to place the fruit on a large silver tray.

Soon it seems all of my family is present- all except Cherie, who still has not made an appearance. It's almost time for dinner, Mum has been in the kitchen with the rest of the girls heading up the dinner that Rose and Cherie prepares earlier today. All of our little children are running about the place, causing a ruckus, but always enjoying each other.

I sit in the dinning room with the guys and my father as we talk about nonsense things like football games and all of our upcoming schedules. I'm holding my glass of champagne in my hand listening to everyone's chatting and laughter. I wonder when Cherie will show face while swirling the golden liquid around in its flute not yearning a single taste.

Rose whispers my name in a hurried tone and I see her head poking out of the doorway as she sways her arm for me to accompany her. I excuse myself from the table, but mostly I'm ignored.

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