44.)And All Around the Night Did Say

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I just have to say- I love the theories in the comments. Keep 'em coming!!!
Haha. 😈

I'm trying to wrap this up, but seriously the fan fiction world is always running my mind and it's funny that I find myself leaving notes to myself throughout the day. 🤣

*Kleenex warning*

I've added the soundtrack to this chapter. Play It as you read along 😉

But, anyway...here's Fred ❤️🥰


She snuck out of bed again last night.

I guess the constant shaking of having to sleep on the road on a tour bus, made me extra sensitive to movements throughout the night. I woke up as soon as she slid her way out of arms, which I had just lightly draped my hand to hold her hip. Being sure to only inch my way behind her, when I was sure she was deep asleep.

She doesn't even know I've been sneaking in here, or so I let myself believe. I've put an alarm on my phone to wake up before she does, but like I said- it doesn't really matter, since she's been leaving the bed every night.

But she doesn't just leave the room, nope. She leaves in her car. Like the two previous nights since I've returned to our home, I always trudge to the window of our balcony and watch as her headlights drive away into the night.

Where is she going? I'm too afraid to confront her, again- too afraid to know the answer.

When Rose called to say that Cherie has been ignoring her- I thought it was really weird, but maybe she was right and Cherie is hiding something from all of us.

I think she's having an affair...

Shit. This is it, isn't it? She's...maybe she's seeing someone. Thats why she won't let me touch her. That's why she's being so closed off- she doesn't love me anymore.

Maybe she's found someone who hasn't made as many mistakes as I have, someone who doesn't remind her of all the pain we've been through together. She's changed right before my eyes and it's only until right now that I realize...and maybe that's her point.

Okay. No. I'm being paranoid.
She went shopping.
She bought a new perfume.
She's made a commitment to plans, before I came home and she's only keeping on with those plans.

Yeah...that's it. Cherie wouldn't...she couldn't leave me....

But then...who could she be out to see this late at night?

I've busied myself from the marital woes at my home with the only way I know how. I dive into the work of our new album in the studio. I know the guys are excited for my rebound animation for writing new songs. I guess it's true that heartbreak is the most inspiring feeling of them all.

Cherie refuses to talk to me- shit, she can hardly even stand to look at me. Our home has grown into a jagged atmosphere- I run and hide whenever I can.

She makes me feel so low. Always keeping myself at a distance from her, only because I can tell that's what she wants. It can't only be her pregnancy making her act this way. That's too hard to believe.

I've never heard John, or Roger or Brian speak about their wives acting in such a manner while pregnant. No, perhaps my mind has only been protecting my heart from the truth.

I think she's been over 'us' for a while. It's the only thing that fits. Maybe she's been trying, maybe she felt bad that I've loved her so deeply and with every piece of myself. Maybe she tried her best to stay in love, but I know better than anyone that sometimes love isn't enough...

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