~Chapter Forty Nine~

Start from the beginning

"No problem, Y/N. I'll see you at the show!" She waves farewell and runs to catch up with the rest of the group and in a mere second music is already playing. 

I left and close the door behind me. I held onto the bag, letting it sway freely along my side. My day was over and I was anxious to get home. Hobi and the rest were still at Big Hit, helping the members of TxT with their choreography and vocal training for their debut that's coming up in the Spring. Hobi had already called me ahead of time to let me know that they would be there all day and for most of the night so I basically had the home all to myself for the night. I walked towards my former office, that Hyungsik and I shared, and went inside to look for the journal that Taehung had left. I was meaning to get it so I could give it to him. But then I remembered, Jisu had told me that she had seen Taehyung with his journal, so left the room and head to the elevator. I was a couple of steps away when I heard Hyungsik call out my name, causing me to jump and turn. 

He looks very distraught "Y/N. Thank goodness you're still here. I need to talk to you about something" He makes light jogs as he approaches.

"Hey Hyungsik! What is it that you need to talk about?" 

He stops to catch his breath for a few moments before he responds "I never really got to ask you if the temporary position has been any trouble. I didn't want to pressure you, I was just in a panic and desperately needed to find someone to give the extra hand"

"Oh, it's no problem at all. I understand." I chuckle "It's actually going fine. There's a lot more work to it but nothing didn't seem unfamiliar."

"Good" He says sounding a bit relieved, but he still looked distraught "There's something I need to tell you about Taehyung"

I raise and eyebrow and pursed my lips out of curiosity "What about him? Is he alright?"

He sighs and scratches his head "That journal he had dropped...I know that what he's written in there is personal but....I was going through my files to to find some pay stubs one day and..." He pauses. He shakes his head and pinches the bridge of his nose "I picked it out and a piece of paper slipped out of it and landed on the floor. I went to pick it up and accidentally dropped the journal and it opened" He gulps hard and places a hand on his hip. "I thought they were lyrics so I picked up the book and the paper and started reading it...Y/N I honestly think that Taehyung...There are some things that he wrote that..." He pauses again. 

What did he read? Why does Hyungsik still look so agitated? I was kind of anxious to know. It's probably nothing too serious...I hope. 

He opens his mouth and is about to say something until a deep voice calls from down the hall. He wore a grey and white clean suit with black shoes. The suit made him look twice his height. His hair bounced with every step as he approaches until the familiar structured face became visible. His face was bare and it looked like he just shaved. He had a bouquet of purple flowers in his hands.

"Hey Hyungsik!" He pats Hyungsik on the shoulder and then looks at me "Hey noona! Heading home now?"

"H-hey Taehyung." I greeted but my eyes wander to Hyungsik, who didn't seem too happy to see his best friend "I was just talking to Hyungsik for a a brief moment before heading home. Where's Hobi and the rest?"

"They're still at work. I'm taking Jisu out to dinner and here to pick her up." He smiles. 

Hyungsik clears his throat and slowly starts to depart his ways. He looks back at Taehyung and then at me "I"ll see you later. Hope you're prepared for the show" He turns the corner and disappears. 

Taehyung with a smile still on his face, stuffs his free hand in his pocket as he glances at the flowers. "These flowers are pretty right, noona?"

I swallow thickly and clear my throat "Yeah, they are. Seems like you did a pretty good job at picking them."

He grins widely, his cheekbones rising and his eyes small like crescent moons. "I know she'll like them" He puts the flowers to his nose and smell them. He hums with delight. "I guess I should get going. She's probably waiting for me right now" He makes slow strides towards the hall and turns around to give me one last look "Have a good night noona"

"You have a god night. Enjoy the dinner" I wave back and head to the elevator. I got on the elevator, the door closes and within seconds was on the lobby floor. I quickly walk out the lobby and head to my car. It was 7:30pm and it was pitch black outside. I rub my hands together and pull out some gloves and put them on. It was freezing tonight and I needed to hurry up and get home before I nearly froze to death. I texted Hobi to let him know that I was on my way home. A few seconds later I get a text from Hobi.

"Ah jagi! It's very cold outside! Hurry up and get home so you can get warm!. I'm sorry that I won't be coming home until midnight. Buuuuuttt...I've been doing some research today!"

"Don't worry. I'm in the car but haven't started driving yet. Oh what kind of research?"

"Okay good. I've been looking up some new sex positions for us. Hehehe. I'm just kidding!"

"I don't mind that!" I smile and laugh at the text "But seriously what have you been researching on, Hobi?"

"Okay. Okay. Well I've been looking at houses here in Seoul. I found some nice ones that matches both our needs, wants and personalities. You want a nice simple house and I want a house that's modern and I have a few that combined them. Also, I've been thinking of baby names for our future children!"

"Me too! And that sounds great! What kind of names!? I'm so curious, honey!"

"Ahhh. I made a huge list. I'll show them to you when I get home! Ahh I can't wait!"

"I'm really anxious to know! I bet they're cute names too! Let me start heading home now. I'm starting to really freeze. I'll see you later, Hobi. Love you"

"Aww. Okay then, love. Get home safe! Love you too!"

I hang up the call and put my phone away and started the car. It started to warm up inside, warming my hands and loosening them. I turn the steering wheel and drove out onto the road. Lights from all over shined throughout the city. The streets were still filled with people walking or driving home, but I was lucky that traffic wasn't nearly as bad as before the past couple of weeks. As I drove by, I couldn't help but to glance at a few homes and the families that went in them. It was until I had stumbled upon a nice looking family; a husband, wife and three beautiful kids. The kids wore cute matching coats and hats. The children laughed in harmony while the mother and father helped them into tying their shoes and zipping up their coats. It was a beautiful sigh to see and it made me realize that I wanted to start a family sooner than I thought. 

I think I'm ready to have our own house. I'm think I'm ready to start a family with Hobi...

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