~Chapter Thirty Seven~

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(Taehyung's Past POV continued)

It was the morning after when I woke up to the sound of the beach waves hitting the shore outside our rental beach house. The warm breeze had awaken me and I slip out of the bed, careful not to wake up Y/N. The way she slept so peacefully always made my heart flutter. It was something I could watch all day. The rays of the sun penetrated through the curtains and the the palms trees waving in the wind added a beautiful touch to the scenery. To make this morning a morning to never forget I thought I would make breakfast. A celebratory breakfast to be exact. For me and Y/N. The rest will have to wait until I spill the big news.

I brushed my teeth, took a quick shower, got dressed and head to the kitchen to take out some of the ingredients. I was going to make lemon blueberry pancakes that Jin had taught me how to make not too long ago. I played some light music to heighten the mood and to help me focus on preparing breakfast. About 15-20 minutes into cooking I heard light footsteps coming from behind me and I turn my face to see my fiance...my future bride to be.

"Hey Y/N! Look, I"m making lemon blueberry pancakes that Jin taught me how to make!" I said in a cheery tone, tilting the pan to display it to her.

"Those look amazing!" YN says with a slight chuckle as she leans against the wall with her arms folded.

"I'm almost done. Oh here some hot green tea!" I grab the mug of the counter in front of me and walk towards her to give it to her.

She grabs the mug and smiles as I went back to finish the pancakes "Thank you." She says before taking a sip of the tea. "I'll go sit outside and wait for you" She walks out and turns the corner and heads out of the beach house and go to back patio. About five minutes later I step out with two plates of steamy hot breakfast and set them on the table. I went back to the kitchen for my cup of tea and sat down next to her.

I look at the bright sun, grinning and said "It's a really nice day, right?"

"I-i-it is." She stutters as she cuts into a piece of the pancake and putting it into her mouth

I took a quick glance at her concerned as to why she sounded so down all of a sudden "What's the matter Y/N?"

"Nothing" She shivers, covering herself with a silk white robe "It's a little chilly out this morning. Don't worry"

"Are you sure? You seemed...out of it when you came in the kitchen."

"It's probably just the wine we drank from last night. I think it was too strong for me" I nervously chuckle.

"Yeah it probably was. Sorry" I said feeling like an idiot for letting her drink such a strong wine last night.

"No, it's ok. It'll pass soon"

"Just let me know of anything...Looks like we're going to have to finish this breakfast pretty quickly. I have to get back with the members to start rehearsal"

"Tae...when do you plan on telling the members and everyone at Big Hit that...."

"That we're engaged? I was actually going to tell them after the LA concert. I just want the company and the members to adjust to the news after we come back to Korea" I smiled. I picked up the plates. "Why do you ask, Y/N?" I walk out the patio and into the beach house. Y/N had followed.

We were both in the kitchen and I started washing the dishes as she stood there leaning against the wall biting her nails."I just thought that with the whole divorce thing and all that has happened it would be kind of...awkward"

"That's why I want to wait after, silly" Offering her a wink

She just shrugged and smiled "I'm going to the concert in a few days, so don't you think it's right to tell them when I'm there?"

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