Itachi POV

Once I left Kimi, I grabbed Ameya's dead body and went straight to Tsunade. I knocked on her door and then heard a light 'Come in' so I did. "Ah, Itachi. To what do I owe the pleasure?" Before I could even speak, Kimi appeared next to me. She looked at my arms and saw Ameya there. She grabbed Ameya from me and sat on a chair by the wall. "What happened?" Tsunade asked and I sighed. "Madara killed Ameya right in front of her because he wanted to seals to the bracelet," I said then looked back at Kimi. Tsunade walked up to Kimi and looked into her eyes "Kimi, I need a report on what happened," she nodded and started explaining what happened.

"I was cleaning the house after I made lunch and then I heard Ameya screaming. I panicked so I went to her room. When I got there, a clone of Madara was there holding her. I told him to put her down while pointing a kunai at him. He started stroking her hair and told me to put the kunai down while he pointed one at her back. I asked him what he wanted and he said he wanted the seals to the bracelet. I told him to ask me for anything but the seals because I couldn't give it to him. He pushed the kunai straight through her back before I could get him with mine. I tried healing her but nothing worked. I used up almost all of my chakra but nothing happened. I was too late to save her," she finished and continued to cry. I hugged her as she calmed down again. I knocked her out and carried her home as I left Tsunade to tell the others. I lied her down on her bed and went to the academy to ick up Drago.

I felt bad for them. It's going to take Kimi a while to get over this and Drago will be mad and destroyed about this too. I got to the academy and saw that the kids were already leaving. Drago saw me and ran to me "Uncle 'tachi!" he said excitedly. "Hey little guy, how was school?" "Good though it's boring since the Akatsuki taught me everything already," I laughed at what he said because it was true. We did teach him everything that the academy was going to teach him at an early age, so its no wonder that he is bored. But it is good that he is making friends his age unlike Kimi and I. I felt Drago tug on my shirt and I looked down at him "Uncle 'tachi, is what happened to Ameya, true?" I looked at him confused "What do you mean?" "I always leave one of my snakes at home and wherever Ameya is just to make sure she is safe. Today my snake came back to me and said that Tobi killed Ameya but I don't believe it. So tell me uncle 'tachi, is it true?" I looked at him with sad eyes. I bent down to his height and poked his forehead "Your mother needs you right now Drago, so let's go home and comfort her," I said. I knew he understood what that meant. I saw him nod his head and we went to his home.

Once there, I took him to Kimi's room and saw that she was still asleep holding onto Ameya's dead body. Drago went up to her and touched Ameya. I'm sure he felt that she was a cold corpse and since he has touched a dead corpse before he knew that she was really dead.

Drago POV

I let a single tear fall down my face as I felt Ameya's cold body. As soon as I touched her, I knew she was dead. There was no denying it anymore, she was really dead and Madara killed her. Madara killed my sister. I felt rage well up inside me. I wanted to make Madara pay for killing my sister and making my mama cry. No one makes mama cry and gets away with it.

'Tachi must have felt my rage because he put his hand on my shoulder "He will pay for this Drago, but you will not dirty your hands with his blood. You are too young to dirty your hands with blood as vile as his," he said to me. He can't really say that I'm too young to dirty my hands with blood because I have already killed someone before. I nodded at him and crawled into bed with mama and Ameya. I left Ameya's body in between us and I hugged her and mama. 'Tachi put the cover around us and let us sleep. and left us to sleep as we mourned for Ameya.

~Two hours later~

I woke up and saw that mama was also waking up. I tapped her and she looked at me "It's going to be alright, mama. Tobi will pay for this," she smiled at me and kissed my forehead "Yes he will, baby. Tobi will pay dearly for this and I'm going to make sure of that," I kissed her cheek and nodded. I got up and served both of us food and brought it to the room. We ate in peace as mama put Ameya's body in her scroll to preserve her body until the funeral.

Tsunade's POV

I cried for a bit after Itachi left with Kimi in his arms. She lost her child. Right in front of her. After a few minutes, I had all of Kimi's friends come to my office. Even Sasuke and Hinata made it back in time for this meeting. After everyone was here I started to explain what happened to Kimi. I cried as I explained it and some of them also did. Shikamaru, Sasuke, Hinata, Neji, and Naruto were the ones mostly affected by this news. Sasuke and Naruto were enraged while Hinata cried and Neji comforted her. Shikamaru didn't show any emotion but I knew he was sad and angry on the inside. After the news, they all left to deal with the news and figure out how they were going to act around Kimi until she got over this. All I knew was two things: Kimi was willing to lose everything for the safety of this village and Madara will pay for this. Now he is going to have to suffer the wrath of five nations all wanting him to pay for hurting our Kimi. Kimi has made an impact on the five nations because of all of her missions. Every mission that involved her in another nation, she would help the shinobi of that nation with everything they needed and even help the Kage of that country. Every Kage in the five great nations love her, and even some shinobi in those nations. This news will spread like wildfire. And I can't do anything about the looks that she will get from her comrades and the villagers. I wish I could hide her from the world right now but I can't. She has to go through this alone.

Kimi POV

I was in my house, cleaning. I haven't left this house since Ameya's death. I wouldn't be able to stand the looks the villagers gave me, even less the ones the shinobi give me. They all know what it's like to lose someone or something to another shinobi but most don't know what it's like to lose a child to someone you once trusted. Tobi was my "go-to" person when I wanted to feel like a child in the Akatsuki. Obito was supposed to be dead. I found out about his past life when I was a child and decided to snoop around the rooms. How is it that possible for one person to be split into three? He is Madara, Tobi, and Obito. Tobi was a lie, Obito is hidden deep inside and Madara is the one who killed my baby. It is Madara that will pay with his life for this. I will make him pay and suffer.

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